chapter 66

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The next day after breakfast Kabir introduced the family with the nannies whom he appointed for the kids 

“   I checked their background , their work  profile and then only I appointed them to take care of kids .. They are well trained to help with the kids”

Niyati was not agreed with hiring nannies for her kids so she objected in strong words  

“    I don't think I need any help , I can manage it as I am doing it till now “ 

    Kabir was not expecting this so he gave a glare at niyati but Malini jumped in to handle the situation .

“ Of Course dear we know that you are efficiently handling Aditya and  avni but having an extra hand to help with your work is not a bad idea .  Kabir is just trying to help

     Avantika also noticed the situation and supported Malini 

“ Well I think it's a great idea ..” 

“But mom “ 

 Avantika blinked her eyes in order to request niyati to accept the help 

  Niyati sighed and told them 

“ Ok then “ 

    The others smiled while Kabir continued  

“ Today we are leaving for hotel venue early as I already booked few rooms for us , we can get ready there only  “ 

    “ Yeah and that's a good idea or else we must have started from house and must have stuck in traffic resulting in the host arriving  late in his own party

 so I already notified the appointed beauticians to reach the hotel directly .

Avantika smiled while niyati just gave a nod 

She was not delighted to know about this reception party but the dhanrajgir family already planned for a lavish reception party as they want to introduce niyati as their daughter-in-law .

Few hours later 

In the hotel room 

Malini was ready in her saree and decided to check on the others . First she went to avantika's room and found her busy with Aditya the nanny was helping her to make the little boy ready for the party 


Anant already left for the party hall ,so she decided to check  the bride first the moment she entered the room after giving a slight knock on the door  

 She found niyati ready in her makeup but she was still wearing her bathrobe

And trying to handle a cranky Avni ,the little girl was wailing loudly 

 What's going on here ? And why are you still not ready? The party is going to start in less than half an hour .

  Niyati looked at Malini and told her with a sigh 

 Don't worry aunty I will get ready on time just wanted to get her dressed first but this girl isn't ready to wear this dress .

   Malini noticed how avni was still crawling all over the bed in her diaper and glaring at her mother the nany was around the bed so that she could save avni from falling from  the bed 

“  Nancy why don't you get her ready it's your job after all 

 I know mam but it's my first day and she doesn't even let me touch her . It will take me few days I will manage her till then 

“ Aunty it's not Nancy ‘’s fault this girl is always like this.  If you don't mind please call mom she will definitely help me “

  Malini gave a nod and left the room to get Avantika but in a way she met Kabir who was busy on the phone .

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