Chapter 58

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The same day Malini talked to Avantika and apologized for Kabir's behavior on the call but Avantika told her that they sree not offended by him , they understand how much he adores avni .

     Malini sighed in relief and Avantika informed her about her decision of not returning to New York .

Kabir keit himself busy in his work as he has to do many things in upcoming week.he was just waiting fur vthe right question from.hismotherbabd thennhe knew what he has todo 

But for managing the issues of his personal life he has to take care of his business related matters  first as he never wanted his business to suffer for any reason. 

He had seen a worst phase in his life when they had to agree to the awful alliance of Sneha just to save his business. .

He was certain that his company had never experienced those worst times if he had pursued a career in business since his college years instead of wasting time on pointless flings.

Whatever the case, Kabir has already gained a great deal of insight from his past mistakes because, as humans, we all learn from them.

And as a result, Kabir Dharjgir is currently well-known in the business community. 

He brought his business to new heights of success and intended to maintain it there.

He is now a man with all that a person could ever want. 

Name, prominence, influence, and wealth 

Additionally, he now has a son. 

His only task is to claim his son, but before he can do that, he must persuade his son's mother to marry him.

Not to mention that he will then be blessed with a daughter as lovely as Avni.

   His lips softened into a smile as he considered his children and the future he had in store for them.

And once more, he turned his full attention to his work.


   While having food Malini fake coughed  to signal Anant about talking about the  remarriage idea to Kabir but Anant ignored her signals and just kept his focus on his food .

Malini muttered some beautiful words  for anant in her mind  and then started her words 

“  Kabir .. I  talked to avantika today and apologize for  your behavior” 

 “What behavior ? I never did anything wrong and you know that too “

“  Hmm yeah I mean they thought the same “ 

  “ Hmm “ Kabir hummed while mixing the rice in curry on his plate 

   “Kabir we are thinking about something ,as you said you want to move .. on ..  so ..” Malini was hesitating to day the sentence she gaped at anant for help in hope that he will help at least this time .

     Sighing, Anant told Kabir the truth bluntly. 

“Your mom wants to say that you should get married again ,so if you like someone do tell her “ 

 Malini gasped in shock because she did not want to discuss this delicate subject in such a direct way.

And glare at Anant, who just responded with a shoulder shrug.

   She then turned to face Kabir, who was staring at her with disbelief. 

  “Kabir .. I .. “ 


“Let it be Mom, I Want to move on but I can't marry anyone as you know what Sneha meant to me ,I can't give her place to anyone .. so I am sorry to disappoint you but I just can't “ 

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