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Kabir walked into the party hall with heavy steps, his heart heaving as he tried to control his raging emotions.Upon entering the hallway, he cast a glance around in search of his one and only true love.

 His gaze soon fell upon her as she was speaking with a guest while standing in a corner of the hallway. 

His heart skipped a beat the instant he saw her beaming face; nothing about her had changed. She continues to affect him in the same way.

   Kabir had been waiting years for this moment, but it was just their stars that were having fun with them. 

   He was greeted by Avantika.and the tiny girl's squeal startled him out of his reverie. He looked forward to seeing Avni grinning charmingly at him and waving her hands as she hurried to embrace her friend.

  Kabir took her in  his arms and Avantika left to meet some guests as Avni  was safe with Kabir .  Upon arriving at the lawn's corner, Kabir turned to face Avni, who appeared to be a fairy in her pink dress. 

  "You know how you did capture my heart,?" he said, planting a kiss on her cheeks.”  I am aware of the reason behind it since, as your mother did years ago, you are my niya's daughter. “


Avni listening to his words with focus as she could understand those statements and then giggled at kabir 

  Kabir held her near to him while grinning at her behavior.  The same instant, he was bothered by a ringtone guy. After attempting to manage Avni with one hand, he answered the phone. 

Since it was the doctor's call, which he had been looking forward to all day, 

"Sir, the report is positive." 

   After hanging up the phone, Kabir turned to look around and saw Aditya interacting with other children. 

  A second chance in life is uncommon, especially to make up for a mistake you made in the past. 

Kabir Dhanrajjgir is extremely fortunate to have this opportunity.



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This is the most emotional scene of this story when kabir will remember his past, you will relate to it when you will get to know about the entire story

   And you will be shocked to know about their past. As many secrets are still unrevealed.

   So keep reading , supporting my work

Thank you
Abhilasha ❤️


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