Chapter 2

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"Just a last push mrs sharma '"

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"Just a last push mrs sharma '"

Niyati was sweating badly as from last 16 hours she was going through this labor pain , she always assumed that the second delivery take less time but its not applicable in her case 

She was exhausted by now , all these pregnancy time her baby never troubled her , she never suffered morning sickness in her initial days nor she craved for any special eating items , may be the baby already knew how her mother is struggling for their existence in the world 

Many times in those days  she used to break down remembering about her first pregnancy when her avi didn't even allow her to step down from the bed he treated her like his queen .

All these years she spend , avinash was like a blessing to her but she never even  in her dreams thought that she has to face a  lot of struggle in coming life 

"Mrs shrama , don't close your eyes …. Just a little more "


But niyati eyes started drooping on her own , suddenly she saw avi standing beside her and telling her 

"Come on Niya, you are a  strong mother , our daughter is waiting .you cannot lose like this come on love "

It was her hallucination or imagination but the next moment to the doctors were amazed as niyati's eyes got wide open and niyati screamed hard followed by a little baby’s cry and the doctor smiled 

"It's your princess "

Niyati cried hard in joy and  pain, joy of giving birth to a daughter which avi always dreamt of and pain as avinash is not  present to see her face, meet her and pamper her princess 

Avantika sharma and swati were waiting outside the delivery room little adi slept in his grandma’s lap while waiting for his sibling . The ladies just gave  a smile at the news of the baby as they doesn't know how should they react to this news.

     After an hour they were allowed to meet niyati and asked about her well-being ,. little adi was looking in the crib to see his sister .

Swati took the excited toddler and show him the little baby , adi grinned looking at the little girl .niyati was observing this with tears in her eyes, in last seven months her little toddler become mature , he stopped throwing tantrums and making trouble for his mother but sometimes he return to his true self but niyati never complained as after all he is only a kid .

It was a very hard situation to tell Aditya about Avinash’s demise as he was too small to understand death but niyati just made it understood to him that his dad will never return to them as God called him for some special work so Avinash has to go there . The same boy who never even use to miss a chance to trouble his mother became the most obedient boy ever 

Avantika used to take special care of him as niyati was already struggling from her pregnancy and juggling between her job and her home 

      That night when niyati was feeding her doll , while playing with her little hairs . life is never been easy for niyati when she was 10 years old she lost her parents in an accident she survived because she was with her uncle and aunt as attending business parties held no interest for her .after losing her parents niyati was brought up in love and care of her uncle ,aunt ,cousins and her grandparents 

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