chapter 40

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 Swati let out a horrified cry as she stood at the room's door, and Kuldeep was staring at Niyati and Kabir with a shocked expression on his face.  

Niyati got up and withdrew her hand from Kabir's grasp. 

“ Ooh god you scared us “Kabir gripped Niyati's hand in his again and grumbled. 

His audacious move startled Niyati, who pulled her hand once more. 

  When Swati arrived, she went straight to Niyati, held her hand, and led her out of the room. 

"What on earth was that?" Kabir expressed dissatisfaction.

 "First, could you please tell me what on earth we saw?" Are Niyati and you dating?

“No.  First you tell me where did your smart wife take my girlfriend ?”

“ Ooh she is your girlfriend now,  is this about revenge? I will not allow you to ruin her life, I promise.  

“ Shut up, that plan was a long lost thought. And I really do love her; I am going to marry her shortly. 

 “  Hmm ok I believe you, but I hope you are stating the facts.”

Obviously! So why are we seeing this honeymooning couple here right now?

  Mohit informed me about your accident so we decided to see you before leaving for our honeymoon . We have our flight at night.”

“   You don't have to do this formalities and I am fine now , you people just go and enjoy yourself   “

“ Yeah… take care of yourself and don't get married until we return from our honeymoon.”

“ Definitely man “

   Swati was busy reprimanding Niyati in the lobby. 

You mean that after he declared his love for you, you choose to give him a chance?

Niyati gave a nod she didn't want anyone  to know about the night 

“  Are you gone mad? That man is not worth giving a chance , and let me tell you he did this with many other girls too “

 “ I didn't say that I love him., and I don't believe him yet I am just.. 

 “ See Niyati I know I am not someone to suggest to you but just be alert.. Don't do anything which will make you regret later. “

“I  I captain,but how come you are here I thought you already left for honeymoon”  

"I have some pressing matters to attend to, but tonight we are heading out on our honeymoon."

“ Ooh ok.. Happy journey and enjoy yourselves “

“  Thank you”. Swati took niyati in a warm hug.

And they again reached to kabir 

Surya also arrived at the mohit was behind him with a anxious face, they were surprised to see kuldeep and greeted the newly wed couple 

After spending some time, Kuldeep and Swati left the hospital. 

Mohit was gaping at Kabir and niyati who were busy in doing lovey-dovey talks 

Mohit asked surya in a low voice “ Am I hallucinating or this is real ?”

   “ What exactly are you talking about?”

“When did they start dating each other? And how do niyati agree to date kabir?

  “  Shut up unless you have a death wish “

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