chapter 69

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Kabir felt someone tapping on his face. He blinked his sleepy eyes and then opened them. 

He found a cute face hovering over his face 

It was little avni 

Boo….a boo “

     She again started in her baby language Kabir smiled at her before noticing Aditya soundly sleeping on his stomach while resting his tunic hands on his stomach. 

 Kabir cautiously removed his hand and looked around for Niyati, but he couldn't spot her and can hear a shower  sound 

 So he understood she must be in washroom 

He quickly held the baby girl, who was already trying to climb on him 


    “Good morning, sweet heart “



Kabir started tickling her and she started giggling ., Kabir just admired her smiling face 

Shortly, niyati came out of the shower and noticed avni was playing with Kabir 

  Kabir also noticed her presence, passed Avni to her and left for the washroom after securing pillows around Aditya, who was sleeping soundly .

 Niyati fed Avni and then left the room .

After reaching the dining room, she noticed Avantika ,Malini were in discussion, whereas Anant was busy reading the newspaper and having his breakfast .

     Niyati greeted them , and Nancy helped Niyati make avni sit on the feeling table 

While Malini and Avantika  observed Niyati's face, they could not miss her swollen eyes, it seems she cried a lot.

Aditya is not up yet “ avantika started the topic 

    No mom, he is still sleeping “ niyati replied 


“  Ok and Kabir “

  Niyati halted while serving her plate and then told them 

He is in washroom 

The ladies nodded at her, but a sense of guilt washed over them. 

few moments later, Kabir reached the dining  room ready in his office wear 

 He just said good morning to the family members and got settled for breakfast .

Malini noticed Kabir's tense face.

“ Mom “

Aditya voice took everyone’s attention and they all noticed like Aditya standing close rubbing his eyes 


  Ooh my baby has woken up, “avantika commented ,while niyati was standing up to reach Aditya 

 Avantika told her, “No, you finish your breakfast I will take care of him “

while Kabir asked nancy 

“Where is the other nanny ?Send her to help avantika Aunty. ‘

  Nancy nodded and left the dining room .

After Kabir was done with his breakfast, he told Malini

“Mom,dad  I need your signature on the some papers

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