chapter 14

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Niyati couldn't help but notice Kabir's charming demeanor as he interacted with the girls, who were clearly smitten with him.

  It’s now clear to Niyati why Avinash made her alert about him , she chuckled at the actions of other girls who were surrounding him.

  Alisha who was also observing the scene with interest, muttered in her dreamy state 

““God! He is so handsome “ 

   “  yes he is, now come on, we should start with dinner “

“Nityati, let’s meet him first, then we will…

“Ok than you should go ahead as I am famished now and trust me I am more interested in for rather than your KD “

  “Your KD!!! god its sound so nice isn’t it? “Alisha again let out while blushing,  but she got no response as Niyati already progressed to have her dinner 

   It occupied Niyati with serving her plate. The only consolation for her in this dull party was the enticing food.

    Alisha sighed and followed her. Niyati signaled her to serve her plate 

Soon they found a table to settle on and Alisha's attention was still fixed on Kabir, who was surrounded by girls. Niyati followed her sight and told her 

 “Leave him and enjoy your food, though you have a tough competition there.” 

  “Hmm, yes I could see that too.But don’t you think it will be quit before even trying? At least ek try toh Banta Hain  .

  Niyati shook her head at the crazy girl and refocused on her plate. Immediately after they finished eating, they headed towards the exit, but the sight near the door astonished them as Kabir presented a flower, neatly wrapped in plastic, to each girl leaving the party.

    Niyati noticed how the girl used to blush at this gesture. , some girls used to give him a tight hug and at once a girl pecked on his cheek. Niyati cringes her nose at his shameless behavior, whereas Alisha was feeling on cloud nine as her wish was coming true.

 Soon, they reached the door. Niyati cursed her luck by spotting a single exit door or else she may have opted for another one.  She is now forced to confront this shameless being called KD.

     Kabir was relishing the moment, which only fueled his ego. Undoubtedly, he was a captivating individual, notorious for being irresistible to women. With his social status, influential family background, and good looks, he was undoubtedly a desirable man.

    Soon his eyes landed on the pair of two young girls who were reaching to exit door 

As a gesture he forwarded a flower to the first girl.,who was wearing  a top with a tight skirt .

Alisha blushed and accepted that flower with a smile  , but in nervousness couldn’t say much, as she was getting too intimidated by his aura.

“Thank you.. “ she just uttered these two words. 

“ Welcome sweetheart “ 

    Alisha blushed more at his endearment and kabir was enjoying her state, then he noticed the second girl who was not even looking at them and was busy in her phone 

     “Here you go “ Kabir forwarded the flower to her. Niyati’s eyes motion towards the flower and then at the man who was forwarding it.

She looked directly into his eyes and replied confidently, 

 Thank you, but I don’t need this  “

  The wide smile plastered on Kabir’s face disappeared; he gazed at the fragile girl dressed in a decent frock, and to be honest, her beauty mesmerized him and more by her simplicity, but the confidence on her face was standing out for him. It was the very first time someone refused him.

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