chapter 82

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The flight had landed in Mumbai late in the evening.
At the airport, Mohit was already waiting to greet his friends.

    They soon set out for the resort, which was reserved for the visitors, where the celebration would be held the following evening.
When they arrived, they discovered Alisha in the resort's lobby, waiting for her friends.

Alisha joyfully gave Niyati and Swati hugs.
Aditya already recognised Mohit mama and Alisha mami so he mingled easily .Mandeep, meanwhile, was simply grinning at everyone.

However, Avni stays with Nancy and continues to glare at the surroundings. Mitansh, who is the reason for this gathering, entered the room with his nanny and all the guests started pampering little Mitansh .

While examining the scene, Avni was occupied with biting her small fingers.  Alisha took Mitansh in his arms and tried to introduce him to little avni

“Meet avni, she is your sister “

Mitansh glared at the little girl and was fascinated by her cute clip so without wasting time he jumped to snatch it while Nancy was quick to save Avni .

   Avni noticed what the boy was trying to do so she just scolded him

Bapp “ Avni stated glaring at him

“   Hatt …” the boy commented and the guests were looking at the scene in shock .

Mohit remarked, "I do not think they like each other much," as Niyati approached Nancy and embraced Avni.

“Nothing like that; she is simply exhausted and hungry. I think I should take her to the room . After freshening up they all will play together .”

Mohit nodes and passed a smile at niyati
Shortly they all reached their rooms to freshen  up .
Nancy gave Avni a warm bath and made her ready in one of her cute dresses .  Niyati fed her and tried to put her to sleep but she was not ready to sleep and kept noticing the room with wide eyes. .

   Nancy look at her searching eyes and commented

“ I think she is searching for her dad , usually sir return home at this time “

Niyati also observed this so she just gave a nod at nancy.

After getting ready Aditya niyati also took a shower and get ready for the dinner
As Mohit already arranged the dinner in his suite as he wants all friends to have the dinner together

  Shortly the reached the other room and saw Alisha ordering the waiters to place the dishes properly  .
First Aditya , avni ,mitansh and Mandeep completed their supper, and they all gathered in the other room where Alisha arranged toys for the kids and made it a little play area .
Nancy and the other nanny for Mitansh were also present there to take care of the kids

Shortly All the friends with their spouses settle for dinner .

In between the chit chat Mohit complained
“ I still don't understand why you married that jerk ? I just hope he is treating you and the kids well .”

Niyati sighed and told Mohit

I already told you that it is an arranged marriage however all is good  and he is taking good care of kids too …

     But still you should not let down your guards as if a person betrayed you once he is capable of repeating the mistake too .. so don't trust him blindly, “ Mohit added.

   We just  got married for kids .. and nothing else .”

“Well I highly doubt that especially after what I witness on airport today “ swati commented

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