Chapter 70

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Kabir entered the room and passed the baby to nancy and then left for the washroom when he returned in the closet he found niyati present on the closet room ,avni was settle on her one hip and she was trying to collect some of her clothes by one hand

Spotting a tense niyati Kabir inquired.

"Is there any problem ?"

"This is my problem "

Niyati told him while pointing towards the cupboard

Kabir understood she was talking about the dresses, but he reached out to Avni and took her in his arms .

"Excuse me , She is my princess not a problem "

Niyati sighed at the sight of her little girl who was looking so happy with Kabir , and then told Kabir

" I am talking about these dresses that auntyji arranged for me ."

" Hmm so what about it , don't you like them ?"

" I do ..but it was not needed and I was just wondering how most of the dresses were in my favorite color . Even every design is according to my choice . How could she know so much about my choice ?

Kabir understood she is doubting him ,but he just replied while playing with avni

"How should I know that ,maybe avantika aunty has helped her"

"Mom .. Aditya called for niyati so she left ,and Kabir sighed in relief at the end of this interrogation ,and told the little girl

My mom is Sherlock Holmes and your mom is James bond..."

"Ahhh Burrrl ...

Avni muttered while eating her fingers

"See only you understand me " Kabir replied to her kissing her cheeks

Shortly the family was sitting at dinner and Kabir prayed that the dress topic will not again be brought up on this dinner table .,either by Niyati or his mom

It was late at night , when kabir entered his bedroom after finishing some office work .

He expected that the kids and niyati must be asleep already .

But when he entered the room he found Avni sitting on the bed all active playing with her toys and niyati was sitting beside her with sleepy eyes . He looks at the surroundings and finds Aditya deep asleep on the other side of bed . Spotting kabir Avni crawled towards the end of bed where Kabir picked her up

"She didn't slept yet "

"She slept in evening ,now doesn't want to sleep "

Hmm ok then I'll take care of her you can take rest now "

" No it's ok ..."

Kabir sighed and started playing with avni ,after half an hour Avni started rubbing her eyes signaling that she is feeling sleepy now

Kabir looked at Niyati but he found her sound asleep so he decided not to disturb her and started pacing the room patting on Avni's back ,so that she could sleep .

And a few minutes later Avni dozed off on Kabir's shoulder , and Kabir placed her cautiously on the bed near Niyati .

He covered her with a comforter and his gaze fell on Niyati when sleeping ,tiredness was evident on her face .

He can't describe how guilty he was for hurting niyati in the past.

Kabir shook his thoughts and covered Niyati in the comforter then he reached to his side of bed and pulled Aditya close to himself .

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