chapter 59

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The next morning when Kabir reached to the dinning room for his breakfast , he noticed Malini was busy on a call

   Kabir got settled beside his dad and the servants started serving his plate .While having his breakfast Kabir understood that Malini is talking to Avantika and they are discussing something important

     After Malini cut the call,Kabir commented
“So it was avantika aunty ?“

“Yeah .. she wants my advice on something .”

“Then she came to the right person, didn't she ? After all your mom is always right that what she believes at least, gyan ka bhandar  ( knowledge store ) “

  Anant commented while eating his food

Malini gave a glare at Anant's comment who just ignored her  gaze

“ Anyway, what is she asking about ?” Kabir got curious

“ Hmm she wants niyati to get settled again .”

“ What do you mean by settling in life again ?” Kabir asked with interest

“Avantika is wishing for  remarriage of niyati and wanted to talk to her about this ,but I suggested her to First search for Perfect match and then only talk to her .
Though avantika is sure that niyati will never agree for a second marriage, still avantika wants to talk to her about this .”

      Kabir choked on his food and Anant passed his son the glass of water .

  Malini looked at Kabir in concern on which he signaled her that he is fine, Malini got a call from some NGO and she excused herself to attend the call .

     Anant noticed the worried expression of his son and he also know the reason for his worry so he suggested

“ I know you want me to stay away from this  matter ,but still I will suggest you to give a direct approach as your indirect  ways  are not helping you and after listening to avantika's thoughts about Niyati's remarriage I think it will be better if you make a fast move .”

Kabir looked at his dad and then left for his office . While Anant sighed at the behavior of his  stubborn son.

     After reaching office Kabir's mind was not at peace , as Malini's conversation with Avantika scared him of losing Niyati once again .

Then his eyes looked at the file which prakash gaved him after he reached office
He decided to look into the file of Avinash Sharma. Maybe he could get something which could help him in his motives .

      After going through the file , Kabir was shocked as he never expected so many secrets of Avinash's life will be revealed
And now he knows that niyati has no choice but to marry him .

   It was evening when ka Jr reached home with a calm face and to his surprise he saw his mother chatting with Avantika on video call

    He reached beside her mother and greeted   Avantika and then asked for Avni .
Avantika look around for Avni and then the phone got disconnected all they heard was avantika's little scream

   Malini and Kabir both got worried but soon they receive the call from avantika,Kabir put it on speaker as he was worried too
“What happened there ? Is everything ok ?” Malini inquired in worry

Avantika repiled 

“ Avni fell from bed ..I will talk to  you later “

   Kabir could hear the cry of Avni and also how the family members were trying to calm her .

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