chapter 54

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After a half an hour Kabir regained consciousness and found a worried Malini sitting beside him.

“How are you feeling now? “

Kuldeep was also looking at him in worry , kabir look around and told his mother 

‘ Fine mom..” 

“ Sorry beta I must not have left you alone, I am really sorry but now I think we should leave for Bangalore. Kuldeep could you  arrange the tickets “ 

Kuldeep gave a nod at malini but kabir interrupted 

‘No mom that's not needed. We are here to attend a wedding which is in a few hours so just do that and then we could leave..

 “But Kabir you are not well , so…

“ Mom, trust me I am fine and I think you should start getting ready now and start for the resort. I will get there soon.”

 ‘  Are you sure? If you want you can rest here i will just return soon “

 Mom i'm fine and would feel much better after meeting little princess ,and you also know how happy i am  when she's with me”

   Malini give a smile at him and left for her bedroom  , Kabir sighed and then looked at kuldeep who was still gaping at him 

  “ What?”

 “ Are you sure you are fine ?”

 Yes I am , and first  tell me how Swati allows you to come here on my one call.?I am sure you must have not informed her before.”

“ Shut up it's nothing like that “

“Why isn't it true, you do everything after she permits you too, not her fault she is a control freak and you are henpecked husband “

  Kuldeep look at him and he jumped in his place 

“Wait a minute ,You are chastising Swati again. It means you remember everything now.. You got your memory back 

   “  Saale gandhe( you fool) you don't mind me criticizing your wife on your face , rather you are happy that I get my memory back. You  know what, she treats you right.”

  Kuldeep pouted listening to him , but the next moment  he hugged kabir in a tight hug 

‘Welcome back yaara.”

     “Ooh shut up.. Now let me get ready “

“ Hmm yeah sure, I was thinking I should leave now    will reach bangalore till night “

“ Yeah I understand and  thanks for coming on my single call “

“Anytime bro ,and I can't even say  how happy I am to meet the old Kabir “ 

 Kabir smiled at him and soon kuldeep packet his backpack which he was carrying and left for the airport after bidding goodbye to Malini 

    Malini also left for the resort; she knew that Anant was going to arrive soon and was scared of his outburst on her for not taking care of Kabir's health . So she decided  its better to attend the wedding and return soon. She didn't inform.kabir about Anant ‘s arrival as she knew Kabir would not like her troubling Anant for him .

    After Malini left Kabir got settled on a chair and started thinking all about his past and present . He lost his unborn son and his wife too , a few days before. If he could regain his memory then he must have gone crazy as he has nothing to live for but his memory is back at the right time. 

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