Chapter 83

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Chapter 83'

Kabir reached out to embrace her, kissing her on the forehead.

Though Niyati preferred his gestures toward her, she still wanted to stop him. but she couldn't stop him Why she doesn't understand

Niyati pulled herself from the hug and asked kavjr

"How come you are here ? What About you meeting ? don't tell me you dropped that Singapore client ?"

Kabir chuckled and told her, "Relax, wifey. i attended the meeting in morning and I can't stay in peace after I hear my princess crying and importantly, I am missing you precisely your scoldings, which I just received."

Niyati shook her head on his tease and the next moment

"dad .". a joyful scream of Aditya was heard

Little aditya who was in search of her mother, was happy to spit his dad and rush to hug him

Kabir picked the little boy in his arms, kissing his cheeks

"Hey buddy."

"Dad, you know I want to beat Mitansh but mom stopped me."

"Ooh, come on, he is a year old boy." niyati commented

" But he hurt Avni."

Kabir diverted the topic: " we will see him later Now let's meet Princess.".

Before they could start, Alisha and Mohit reached out to them

Alisha squealed in joy, hugging KD

"Ooh God, KD ! It is so nice to see you after years. I must say you have still maintained the charm ."

Kabir chuckled and replied, " thank you, dear , but you disappoint me. i mean, i thought you to be very sensible. Then how could you marry this fool?"

Mohit just glared at kabir's comment while Alisha giggled

"Well, I am still a sensible girl; that's why I never let Mohit go. He is a gem of a person, a loving husband and now a great dad .

Alisha completed while taking Mohit in side hug. Mohit beamed at this wife and replied, glaring at kabir

"Don't waste your time, as kabir Dhanrajgir will never understand what love actually means."

Kabir just glared at Mohit with equal rage, while niyyati had to interfere in between feeling the tension in air

Come, let's meet avni.

She held Kabir's hand and left for the other side , Kabir spotted Avni sitting in Nancy's lap and observing the decorations.

Kabir reached close to her and took a seat beside Nancy; he just called her by her name

"Princess '

As avni heard his voice, she beamed in joy and started waving her hands in air, calling him

Da, da.

Kabir held her in his arms and placed kisses on her cheeks.

The girl held his face between her little palms and started her rhymes

Da....da.. abooo .."

Kabir smiled in happy tears as he missed his kids , Aditya was also staying by his side .

The others were noticing the scene

Alisha commented, "Aww, he loves them so much and looks at the kids. I never saw Aditya so happy

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