chapter 42

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The next morning, before leaving for Australia, surya came to meet niyati

He suggested that she stay alert because he was not having positive thoughts about this scenario.

How come none of them are in Bangalore, leaving Niyati alone?

Surya was glad that he appointed a man to keep tabs on Niyati.

Niyati assured him that she would take proper care of herself.

Niyati soon began missing all of his friends, leaving only Alisha with her.

Kabir made it a point to call Niyati regularly to check on her well-being, marking a new phase in her life.

Kabir knew everything about her from the PI, whom he appointed to keep a tab on her.

On the third day, as Niyati was returning from college, Avinash surprised her by waiting for her outside the hostel.

Niyati gave a smile at him and rush to meet him

" Hi.. What a pleasant surprise! When did you return from Dubai?" '

Hey there. I got here a couple of days ago. Niyati, my mom, is looking forward to meeting you. She prepared a special meal just for you. "I know she must have your approval before arranging the dinner, unless you have any previous plans."


" don't be silly now;why she needs my approval and yes I am free now and I would love to meet aunty, by the way how was her pilgrimage trip. '

Niyati kept blabbering while getting sitted in his car

All the way Niyati noticed Avinash was replying to her queries, mostly in yes or no.

He was behaving differently from his usual self . But she thought maybe he was tense about work or some personal matter

So she didn't bother much

After they reach the apartment, the moment niyati step into the house, a sequel startled her

As Nisha her cousin almost jump to hug her and , Seema and Dheer was watching them with a smile on their faces

" Ooh my God.. Nisha.. " niyati hugged her cousin in a tight hug

Then she reached to her uncle and aunt, who were in tears looking at their princess

"How? When did you all arrive?"

'We just want to give you a surprise '

" That's great but Where is Nilesh?

' Someone has to be in agra for your dadi and to look on our business "

' Hmm I understand. But how ...'

' We know you have to ask a lot but take a seat first and let us look at you. You are appearing so thin and pale that you didn't eat a healthy meal ."

'Aunty, it's nothing like that .. And no matter how much I will gain weight you will always complain that I am looking weak'

" well nisha finished her board exam and planned for a trip and how will we go on a trip without yo so we are here to take you along "

" Trip? .. Me.. But my college '

" Come on di, can't you take a leave of two days, We are planning a trip before the weekend that is tomorrow, so you will get two additional days off as holidays.. Please didn't say no

Niyati smiled at her sister and then gave a nod at her.

" But where are you planning to go?"

' Tomorrow we will leave for Coorg in early morning hours and then stay there for few days we will start for Bangalore on weekend"

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