chapter 57

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Malini noticed some workers shifting the wax statue in the car which surprised her.
Kabir waho was starting fur his office noticed his mother looking at the happenings in surprise so he reach to her and told her

“   I decided to let go off the past , you are right mom “

Malini smiled at him.and patted his chee
“Thank God you understood ,and you are doing the right thing Kabir “

“  Hmm  I know ,and you must thank you Mrs sharma  for this

“ Mrs sharma you mean niyati?’

“ Yup after looking at her efforts for her kids I came to this conclusion, after all her  pain is the same like me isn't it ? . It's just that she has kids for whom she desires to live and I have no one .”

   Malini got upset looking at his glossy eyes  and the next moment she thought about something and connected a video call to Avantika .

Soon Avantika picked the call and Malini requested her to show avni and aditya on the screen.

   Kabir smiled the moment he saw his princes  on the screen and he called her in soft time  

“Hi baby “

    Avni who was busy in dissection of the meshed food while sitting in the feeding chair ,look up at screen and  noticed Kabir
A wide smile surad on her lips and she giggled waving her hands at the screen

Kabir smiled in tears looking at her reaction and started talking to her ,so which the little girl replied in baby sounds

   After a few minutes, Aditya also joined the call and had a small talk with Kabir but soon he made a run to play .

    “ God this girl again spoiled her clothes “ a loud sound of niyati was heard on  the screen
And Aditya, where are you running too ? “ niyati ordered  without noticing the ongoing video call  and the reach to avni to wipe her face continuing her scolding

“God why do you like to trouble me so much ?
When will you learn avni ?

    Tears brimmed in avni's eyes , which got noticed by Kabir who couldn't held his anger and commented

“ Don't scold her Mrs sharma she is just a baby “

Niyati's  hands halted at the voice , she look around and found Kabir was giving her a glare through the screen while
On the other hand Malini snatched the mobile and just bid a quick bye to avantika disconnecting the call

“Kabir, why did you do that ? After all niyati is her mother “

“  So , she will scold the princess. Mom ,She is a baby and babies do make a mess ..

   “Kabir, you must not have done that what if she gets offended by your words . Remember she is her mother “

“ Ooh yes you are right she is her mother and I m no one , but i just grew attached to those kids
So it's actually my fault isn't it ? “ Kabir snapped at Malini

“Kabir I don't mean…

“Its ok mom I got it , anyway I'm leaving for office now as i have a lot if pending work in office and to be true I don't have anything else then work in my life “

Malini was shocked and heartbroken to hear those words and looking at his vulnerable condition ,while kabir left for office in long strides

Anant was observing the scene from a distance , he knew Kabir way much better than Malini so he understood what Kabir was actually planning to do   .

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