chapter 72

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Chapter 72 

 Kabir reached his bedroom his mind was busy in thinking of ways he could initiate a talk with niyati regarding this 

He entered the bedroom and found niyati pacing in the room, carrying little Avni in her arms. 

“She didn't slept yet “

  Niyati shook her head in reply,  while Avni jumped on Kabir's arms, who just kissed her cheeks and then started patting her .

Soon, Avni fell asleep, and Kabir settled her in the middle of the bed.

Then Kabir went to the closet to change into nightwear. 

    Niyati decided to talk with Kabir after he returned. 


When kabir arrived in the bedroom, he saw Niyati lost in deep thoughts 

Kabir didn't comment and reached to his side of bed to sleep beside Aditya 

He pulled Aditya close and placed a kiss on his forehead 

 Niyati sighed as she had to initiate the talk with a man whom she never wanted to communicate with, but she had to do it for her kids sake 

“.Kabir , I want to talk about something.“

Kabir gazed at niyati and then got up in a sitting position 

"Yeah, tell me.“

“Aditya pointed out something about us.

“Hmm mom informed me, so what about that? You hate me and I am ready to bear it without any complaints.” 

    “ But I don't want my kids to suffer a traumatized childhood  because of my hatred towards you .”

“ Yeh bhi sahi hain, so  tell me what you want to do.”

“Just act like a normal couple , at least  in front of kids…”

   “Sorry but I don't know how to act.” 

“ now Don't  you act smart with me, as I don't know you “

  “Fine I will do as you wish, but I want to remind you beforehand that sometimes i get so involved in my act that forget that I am doing an act, so be prepared and don't get offended 

  Hmm what do you mean? 


You will know. Now go to sleep, wifey Good night ?

 Niyati sighed and got settled on the bed 

While Kabir smiled at the thought, Niya didn't understand what she actually signed in for

The next morning at the breakfast table, the kids were settled, and niyati was serving food to Aditya while the elders were busy chatting .

Kabir entered the dining room in his joggers and t-shirt and wished everyone good morning 

Then he reached close to niyati and told her 

With a smile .

“Good morning, wifey “

Niyati raised an eyebrow at him but then she noticed Aditya is looking at them so she wished him back 

“ Yeah… good morning, Kabir “ 

Kabir smiled and settled near Avni  kissing his princess, who giggled at his action as she was occupied in  dissecting the food with a plastic spoon . Nancy was holding another bowl of food to feed her 

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