chapter 31

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Niyati looked at Kabir who was still gazing at her , so she stood up from her place and reach to him 

“What’s your problem exactly? ‘ Niyati asked him 

“  Hmm I can’t hear you “ Kabir heard her clearly, still he screamed as the music was loud.

    Niyati shook her head at his behavior and reached the bar to get a cold drink for herself. surya who was noticing all this, asked him, 

“ Actually, I was going to ask the same question why are you behaving like this ?

“Like what??” Kabir asked while his eyes were still following niyati.

”Behaving as if under the spell of Niyati Duggal.”

‘I'm uncertain. I am experiencing emotions towards her. She doesn't get impressed by my looks or my money, which makes her the first girl who has left me uncertain. Not only does she dislike the way I live, but she also has the audacity to say it directly to me. It's strange that I can't imagine her being with anyone else.

“ Kabir, you are forgetting she is already engaged”

"Just engaged, which could easily be broken off too," Kabir commented while he gazed at Niyati, who was enjoying some drinks.

That Kabir spoke the same words as Sneha earlier shocked Surya.  While sipping his drink, surya look around for mohit, but his eyes caught the sight of four familiar men who work for his uncle. Surya observed those men were looking in one direction while enjoying their drink 

  Surya followed their gaze and was stunned to notice their eyes were on Niyati, who was still enjoying her soft drink. 

   A feeling of danger occupied in surya’s mind, so he went something before they could harm niyati in the worst way. He got alert and started monitoring niyati’s movement the next minute before niyati left the juice glass on the table and started walking towards the washroom. 

 Then he noticed the group of men went outside the club whereas one man started following niyati


“ Kabir, I think she is not feeling well “

“ Who ?”

“ Niyati “

” What ? “Kabir again liked at niyati‘s side and she was not on the table where she was sitting earlier

     Without hesitation, Surya swiftly reached for the juice glass on the table that Niyati had just had. 

He smelled it 

 Kabir, who was behind him, looked at his actions in astonishment. He observed he was checking the same glass of juice that niyati was enjoying 

“ I doubt something is wrong with this drink”

  “  What? And what made you think so? “ Kabir inquired while holding the glass in his hand.

 “Niyati was not looking well after consuming this. ,I saw her walking to the washroom”  

 “Really? “ without another thought, Kabir drank the Same juice 

Surya shouted in worry, “ idiot what are you doing who told you to taste it?”


 “ No one I just want to confirm about your doubt. I think it tastes a little weird than normal juice. I will sue this club for serving nasty drinks “

  Surya gaped at Kabir in distrust, but the next moment he realized why Kabir was not taking this matter seriously enough, as he was unaware of the dangerous obsession of Sneha for him.

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