chapter 18

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Author's note

Thank you to all the readers who are giving so much love , and showing support for this new story.
I know how hard it must be to wait for updates, but as you all know festivals are around, I am loaded with many responsibilities.
I will try to give an update whenever it will be possible for me.
For few more days you have to bear with slow updates.
Hope you all will understand my situation and provide your support .
Thank you
Abhilasha ❤️


Niyati Duggal, as everyone predicted, was declared the winner.

 Niyati reached the stage and elegantly held the award. The moment she exited the hall, 

Alisha took her in a hug, congratulating her 

And soon they started for their hostel. 

While they were on the way , Alisha expressed her surprise to her friend, saying, "I never knew Kathak could be performed on this type of song too. Your choice of song surprised me”

   That was not the song I wanted to perform on ,somebody deliberately changed the song last minute.

“What? And why?”

“I think I might have hurt someone's ego, but I'm uncertain”.

“  Hmm. “Alisha knitted her brows in confusion 

Niyati didn’t drag on the topic , as she has already dealt with the situation and for now she is more excited to share her winning news with her family.

The next day when Niyati was busy in the library, she felt someone’s presence beside her. Niyati didn’t bother to look at the person. The next moment, her gaze landed upon a pack of expensive chocolates. She look at her side and found Kabir giving a smile at her 

   “I know you didn’t like flowers so I gifted you this “


“ Sorry, but I don’t take gifts from strangers,” 

“Strangers!! , wait you mean you never heard about me till now .“

“No.” Niyati replied while moving towards the reception to issue the book she needed. Kabir kept following her with chocolates in his hand.


    “My bad then, hi, I am Kabir Dhanrajgir. People love to call me KD. I am in the last year of my PG and this makes me your senior. “

   ‘ Ok. Fine.. So why do you want to gift me this “

   ‘ For your achievement you won the talent hunt “

“Ooh, the same show which you wanted me to lose, right? And you pulled that awful stunt by changing my song, isn’t it?? 

    Kabir's eyes got wide as that girl was not even ready for a normal conversation. If it has been any other girls, his actions must flatter them, but this girl was not ready to even pass a smile at him  

 “No. you are taking me wrong. It’s not that I was not willing for your win, it was just a little test of your talent, which you passed with grace marks.You are a fabulous dancer “

   “ I know that, but still I can not accept any gifts from you. “

   “  But why? I mean,  it’s just a friendly gesture”  

  “ We are not friends “

“Not yet but We could be friends “

“I am cautious about choosing my friends, and your friendship is not a positive influence. Each of us has our own unique way of living our lives. There's no common ground between us, so I'm not interested."

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