chapter 62

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Niyati was gaping at Kabir in shock , he remembered everything now.
But it doesn't change anything between them

Kabir was observing her expressions with interest ,while niyati gathered her courage and started with her words in a firm tone

   “Ok ,so that's good for you as now you know how heartless and egoistic person you are and I don't have to give any explanation about refusing this proposal, and now onwards I don't want you to keep any contact with me or my kids . .so goodbye “

     Niyati tried to move but Kabir next words

“  Trust me niya  It will be better if you will take a seat and listen to me first , after that you can leave as you wish . But if you will leave now you will regret “

    “ Ooh so KD is back with his can never change Kabir . I hate you so much “

    “Hmm hate me as much you want as I deserve this hate after whatever I done with you but your hate can't change a fact that this heartless devil man is the father of your child “

Niyati fekt the floor beneath her is slipping down and her body strted trembling in fear and rage

  “What rubbish ?”

“ Hmm “ Kabir walked towards the table near by and take a seat keeping his one leg on  his other knee and told niyati

“  Well why don't you take a seat First I am sure the way you are trembling , after i complete my words you will lose your balance , so come and take a seat and then you can check these papers .
My son is a replica of me isn't it , but still we need proves so here is it come and have a look “

     Niyati reached to the table and held the papers. She read it in haste and tears brimmed in her eyes as it was the DNA test papers which obviously matched and was positive  .

  Niyati slumped on the chair nearby she was trying to calm her breath

    Kabir was feeling pain looking at her condition but to get her back in his life he has to do it

     Kabir passed a glass of water to her and told her 

“   Have this it will help you “

Niyati just glared at him in rage and threw the paper on the table.

“ He is not your son, he is my son . This paper mean nothing “

“Hmm he is our son , and you dared to keep it a secret from me. If I had not met you in the wedding again I would have never known that I have a son too . How could you ? You must have reach to me the moment you know that you're carrying  my child “

  Niyati gaped at him in shock and then chuckled

“ Come to you, why should I ? After all, I am the same girl who cheated on you with Avinash, isn't it ?  .  Remember how you accused my character and humiliated me ,threatened me . So you must be the last person whom I had reached too .”

   “   I know you never cheated on me and I tried to reach you too but you already got married to avinash. And then the following  circumstances made me helpless so I couldn't reach you …

“Yeah so you got so helpless that you married a rich billionaire girl and moved on in your life happily . So how could you dare to accuse me ?”

“I can't explain to you now what happened to me but I am sure of one thing that if you could have told me once about this pregnancy I must-have not let you down .
Anyway we can't change the past but now we have to decided about the future
I want my son and I don't want him to stay away from  his mother  too, so the best option is our marriage . And I will accept Avni as my own daughter  then you don't have to worry about anything else “

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