chapter 76

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When niyati and Anant step down for m the car before entering the home Anant
told niyati
“Don't tell Kabir about our visit to his penthouse, it's a request “

Niyati gave a nod and when they entered the living room
The sight bring a smile to their faces as Kabir was present  in the living room still in his office clothes his tie was loosen up and as always avni was sitting on his lap

Aditya who started school recently was narrating about his day at school
And Malini Avantika and Kabir was listening to him

That's a other thing that Avni didn't like Kabir's attention on anyone else not even her brother
So she used to make him look at her 
And Kabir followed the orders of her highness

.When Aditya spotted his mom he rushed to hug her . Niyati smiled at his action and took the boy in her arms
After getting freshed niyati reached for the dinner and the family members started asking about her first day in office .On which Niyati told them.,how anant made her comfortable  on her first day in the office everyone appreciated Anant and the dinner was finished on a happy note

That night Niyati couldn't able to sleep as whatever Anant told her about Kabir's marked life with sneha was still disturbing her
Se still remember when she saw the photo of Kabir and sneha’s marriage on the leading newspaper and Avinash just told  her
“See how greedy he is, the girl is loaded with fortune that's why he married her ,such a pathetic man “

And niyati agreed with her husband . Because that is the only way it appears. Though that's a different thing that it hurts her to see Kabir standing with a beautiful woman dressed as bride and groom
Smiling for the pictures

That moment just made her feel more hatred towards him .

   But today when she come to know about the circumstances in which Kabir married sneha she is feeling bad for him
She pledged not to develop any soft  corner or feelings towards Kabir ,never trust him again but the circumstances are working against her wish
In all these thoughts she doesn't realize when she dozed off

The next morning bright sun rays falling on her face, which made her awake, she was surprised how she could sleep till late and how come avni did not wake her up for feeding at midnight .
She look around and found the room empty

She thought may be kids are with family members so she decided to quickly  complete her morning routine

After Getting ready in her fresh clothes she decided to check on the kids first and reach the kids room  .To her surprise the kids room was empty too
then she heard some voices from the washroom and she entered the washroom
The sight in front  surprised her and Kabir was sitting in the bathtub in only his shorts and avni and Aditya were playing in the tub

Kabir was making making bubbles from the machine the little girl was giggling chasing the bubbles

Kabir was making making bubbles from the machine the little girl was giggling chasing the bubbles

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