chapter 13

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Niyati attempted to disregard their stares while she looked for her class, but ended up bumping into someone who winced in pain. When Niyati saw the boy wincing and holding his fractured arm, she couldn't help but feel guilty as she looked at his plastered hand.

 Niyati observed they scattered some of his papers on the floor, prompting her to pick them up and apologize as she handed them back to him.

 ‘ My apologies, I genuinely hope I didn't hurt you.'‘

 Mohit admired the girl, who looked stunning in her simple attire. He just replied with a small smile 

“ It’s ok.”

    Niyati smiled and gave a nod, then she asked for help from this stranger 

   “actually I was searching for my classroom “

 “Ooh, new admission “

“Yeah, if you don’t mind, can you help me, please?”

  “Yes, why not? “ 


 Mohit gave her the directions to her class. Niyati thanked him for his help and left from there.

     Niyati entered the classroom. She got settled in the second row and the seat beside her was empty. Soon the lecturer entered and started with his class. Upon being notified about some new admissions, he commanded them to provide a brief introduction to the class. 

 Niyati also stood up at her chance and politely detailed about her. Before the lecturer could have started the lecture, a young girl almost barged in the room 

   “Sorry sir, I am a new student here. My name is Alisha Menon, and I just got late in search of the right classroom.

  The lecturer sighed and let her enter the room. Alisha entered the room holding her bag in a tight grip and soon she sat beside niyati.


  After attending three lectures in a row the lunch time arrived, and niyati introduced herself to Alisha 

“Hi I am Niyati duggal “

“ Alisha Menon “

 “You belong to Bangalore only “

“No, I am from Coimbatore, and what about you? “

“Agra “

 Alisha gave a nod to her. They both had lunch at the cafeteria as they both were new, so they easily got livable with each other.

 In canteen 

Mohit entered the canteen with a constant smile on his face. Surya nudged Kabir to give a look.

 Surya inquired, “what happened to you? I mean, we were concerned about you. 

“ For me, but why ?

 ‘I'm concerned about how you'll handle heartbreak.  I hope you had a brief crying episode yesterday. ‘ surya teased him.

“  Shut up. Why should I waste my tears for that girl?”

   “Ooh, now that girl, till yesterday she was Maní.. My love, Manisha, and now that girl .Good.. You are improving.” Mohit threw a pencil at him and Surya dodged it.

 “Kabir, what are you doing? “Mohit asked Kabir, who had already started drawing patterns on his plaster.

“Making this boring plain thing interesting “

Kabir replied without hesitation 

    Soon a girl in a crop top in mini skirt entered the canteen and got settled on the other table . Surya and Mohit, who were following her actions, felt surprised when they saw her settling on another table.. 

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