chapter 61

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Malini's words shocked Duggal family and Niyati was the most shocked one 

Looking at their expressions, Anant decided to handle the matter so he clarified 

     She wants to say that Kabir doubts that Niyati will agree with this proposal, as it was an unexpected thing and he understands how hard it is to take this type of decision.

    “Yeah, right, I mean to say that only “ 

  The other gave a smile at them but they were startled by this proposal. Kabir Dhanrajgir is a big name in the business world. And he can marry any girl of his choice, then why he choose Niyati, who is a widow and mother of two kids .

  Avantika was in different thoughts as she was surprised to know about this proposal Her only wish is to get Niyati settled in her life and Kabir is the best choice for her and the kids 

She already observed how much he loved avni and aditya  . But she knew agreeing with niyati for this proposal was a daunting task .

   While niyati was in absolute thoughts 

She has no doubt about the cleverness of Kabir, as she knew him years ago .She was skeptical about Kabir's move; why did he send this proposal just because he loves avni and Aditya? ,no way he has something more in his mind .

No matter that he lost his memory and didn't remember her, he is still the same clever intelligent and shrewd man 

Memory loss can not change anyone’’s nature .

There was an awkward silence in the room, which made Malini worried. 

Anant again started his words 

“  I know you all are surprised by this proposal and it's obvious too. We are also surprised when kabir tell us his wish to marry niyati 

Our son has gone through a hard phase; he lost his wife and unborn baby in an unfortunate accident.  Then it took him years to stand on his feet and get back to his normal life, which was limited to business only .We tried many times earlier to make him agree to remarriage but every time he clearly refused and was not ready to move on from SNEHA.

     Anant is telling the facts he was in so much trauma that he made a wax statueof his late wife and used to behave with the statue like an alive thing .

It was me who decided to bring him to this wedding in agra. Maybe change will help him to recover and what happened was more than we expected . He met avni and got so attached to her 

Avantika that day, after taking to you about niyati's remarriage, i notified Kabir of the same thing, but never thought he would wish to marry Niyati,  and trust me I am so delighted to know about this 

Annat tried to control his chuckle as he recalled how malini actually reacted to this news  

    Niyati looked at avantika in shock, as she never knew that avantika was thinking about her remarriage 

   Avantika  ignored niya's glare and told malini 

“Kabir is really a nice man and you don't have to tell us how much he adores Avni and Aditya, as we all saw that already ,.but dont mind me saying 

I know Avni and Aditya will get the best father in Kabir, ,but we have to think about niya's happiness too .

       Malini smiled at her comment and told her 

“We wish the same ‘

“ Sorry to interrupt, I am sorry for the loss of your daughter in law  and understand your sin's trauma too . But still, my answer is the same, it's a no .” Niyati told them .

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