chapter 78

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The next morning Kabir woke up and saw is little baby girl sticking to him
He first checked her temperature and was relieved as she was not warm .

He carefully get out of her hold placed pillow around her and left for the washroom
Niyati also wake up and saw Avni sleeping
The same moment she heard a knock on door
And avni woke up by the noise
The moment she tried to move her leg she started crying  as she felt pain

Niyati rush to  open the door and found nancy standing there , as she has to make Aditya ready for school

Niyati left the door open for nancy and then rush towards avni to pick her in her arms
Before she could do any sort of this
A panicked Kabir rush out of the washroom in only his shorts and reach to avni
he picked her up and started cooing her
Until then Nancy awakens Aditya and carries him to the kids room to get him ready for school

Niyati was focusing on Kabir, who was moving around the room without a shirt on, admiring his flawlessly defined abs. Drops were making their way through his upper body and his hair was damp.
She watched as a drop passed through his abs and inside his shorts.
Niyati swallowed the lump in her throat.
Her trance ended when Kabir spoke.

“I think she need feed now “

Niyati nodded and signal Kabir to pass avnii to her

“Be Careful this time .” Niyati gave a glare at his statement

Stating this Kabir passed Avni to her , Niyati covered her shoulder with a stole and She didn't waste time and tried to feed her
To her relief avni started taking the feed
And niyati sighed in relief

Niyati saw that Kabir was still wandering around the room in his shorts. He was busy keeping his mobile on charge . Niyati controlled her hormones and scolded him

“Can you please wear a shirt ?”

   Kabir spun around and look at niyati whose eyes was stuck on his upper body
A smirk appeared on kabir’s face  

“Why ? Don't tell me you can't resist me ? “

Niyati exhale a breath and told him in flow
“Yes n.. no .. I mean …”

Kabir bent to her level and asked looking directly in her eyes
“That's what I want to know. What do you mean ?”

Niyati could smell his cologne and she again gulped a lump of nervousness

  “  Workers are around few moments ago nancy also got uncomfortable to see you like this “

“ Really, are you sure it was Nancy who got uncomfortable ,or maybe someone else got horny looking at me ..

“Fine stay like this , i don't care “niyati commented in irritation

Kabir snickered and told her “ Relax wife I will wear a shirt  and I also wish to keep this view exclusively for my wife isn't it ?”

“Shut up “ Kabir chuckled at her irritation 

“Bapp ..”

A small noise took their attention
They both look down at avni who was now glaring at niyati

Niyati sighed and told her

“Ok sorry darling, for disturbing your meal  now you carry on with your feed .”
Kabir chuckled at left for closet

Niyati again tired to feed her bjt the little girl was not even looking at her rather she look around and called Kabir

“Da ..da..  booloo’

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