chapter 49

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A week later to Niyati's marriage 

     Anant called Surya and told him in strict words 

  “Surya, I want an honest answer this time. Where is Kabir ? You told me he is traveling to some hill station , but why he didn't called me yet .Tell me the truth  is something happened to him ?”

“   Uncle why are you talking like this, he is fine ““

    “Surya, I can't believe your words anymore, just tell me where is he ?  In a few days Malini is going to visit Bangalore. She is returning after months and you know her well .So just tell me whatever it is ? 

    Surya sighed and asked Anant to reach the penthouse of Kabir . Shortly Anant and Surya reached the penthouse . ,before entering the flat Surya told anant about the misunderstanding occurred between niyati and Kabir ,and also informed him that Kabir is going through a tough phase of his life 

 Anant was stunned to know ghus much he scolded Surya fur hiding this fact from him 

Soon they reached the door of the penthouse and Surya punched the password 

   The moment anant entered the penthouse he saw empty  beers cans and wine bottles on the floor 

  He moved ahead and entered the bedroom of the penthouse the scene in front shocked him more 

   As Kabir was sitting on a chair gazing at a painting of niyati ,talking to her . His beard was grown up , his eyes are swollen like he cried a lot .

“  Kabir ..”

 Listening to his name he turned around to face his dad , he stood up with difficulty trying to maintain his balance .


     But in few steps he fall on ground and anant rush to hold him 

“ Dad .. she left me .. I lost her dad .. that avinash is not letting me speak to her 

He changed her contact numbers dad 

I don't know how to reach her ,I have apologized to her .. you know niya truly loved me she will return to me ..

Dad do something please … I need her she is …”

Anant was in tears looking at his miserable condition 

  “  Kabir .. try to understand son ..she is married now .. 

     “So you mean to say I lost her ?” 

“  Yes … and you should try to move on “

Kabir chuckled and again reached for Niyati's picture .

 “  No matter what the world say , you are mine and will be mine “ 

 “  Kabir stop this madness and just come home with me “

    Kabir didn't replied to him rather he told Surya 

  “  Surya Drop dad to home “

   Stating this he again began making his next drink 

    Anant was going to say more but Surya reached to him and tap on his shoulder 

“ Leave him for now uncle he is not in his senses anymore “

   Anant sighed and returned home ,he couldn't get any sleep at night ,from days he was making excuses to Malini who used to ask for Kabir and he had to make some lie for her 

But now Malini is going to return home and then how will she bear to see Kabir in this condition?

     The very next morning the Dhanrajgir industries got into big trouble as there was an income tax raid on his office and home 

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