chapter 39

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All the way to hostel  niyati kept crying and after reaching hostel Mohit cleverly cooked up an accident story  for the warden, as Niyati ‘s condition was not good and her clothes were drenched in blood. 

After entering the room , niyati went to shower. The moment she removed her clothes she noticed her Kurti which was filled with blood.

Niyati cried more revealing about  Kabir‘s condition. The sight of blood oozing out of his head was not getting out of her mind..

She was terrified to death all the way to the hospital and kept holding Kabir's hand in hers.

After taking shower she changed into her pajama shirt and was pacing in the room to wait for surya’s call 

 It was almost midnight when Surya informed her about the successful surgery.

Niyati sighed in relief knowing that her mind started recalling the last week when kabir tried hard to get her attention and convince her about his true feelings.

And today she witness how much he loved him , as he almost lost his life in saving her 

Niyati knew about his past flings and her thoughts about women. So she decided not to fall for his words .No matter what happened that night she forgot it as an accident and want to moved on.

 But whatever occurred today changed her thoughts , as how could he risked his life to save her unless Kabir really means what he said and  has true feelings for her.

In all these thoughts she dozed off making it a point to visit hospital the next morning itself 

  The next morning she received a call from.surya who notified her about Kabir ‘s regaining consciousness. Niyati told him she is willing to meet him .

But surya requested her to wait and he will inform him the right time when she could visit hospital to meet kabir 

Niyati agreed as Surya knew about Kabir ‘s family more than her. 

The next morning Kabir gained his consciousness and found machines surrounding him.

Soon the nurse informed the doctors who reached to check on him 

After a detailed check-up and asking some general questions to Kabir to check his mental state and to their relief Kabir didn't have any other complications and decided to shift Kabir to one of the private rooms .

   Anant met him first , and got emotional when he saw his son smiling again.  

“ Dad I am fine, see , and I hope you didn't tell mom about this? “

  “  No.. If I did, she would be present here till now . I will tell her now as you are fine now “

  “ No don't, she is attending to some important work.. I will tell her when I will get  ok 

‘  Ok as you wish but promise you will take my side when my wife will yell at  me for hiding this event “

  “Yeah sure “kabir chuckled at his words

 Soon Anant left the ICU and Surya entered the room.

‘ How is she? She is ok they didn't hurt her right? ‘

“ Relax, she is fine and still worried for you. 

I manage the police, and nobody knows her identity now  . “

“ She is worried for me really ?”

“Yeah after all you saved her life like a hero and almost died in doing so. Are you crazy Kabir to fight alone with those men? What if they are carrying some weapons. ?

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