chapter 12

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2 pm

The police officer calmly stares at the group of young boys sitting on a bench, while the constables and other police officers gaze at them in amusement.. They were staring at one particular young man whose knuckles were bleeding, but he was least bothered about it. When the officer's gaze fell on his face; the boy smirked at him.

Taking everything into account, it is worth mentioning that the young man was Kabir Dhanrajgir, being the exclusive inheritor of the Dhanrajgir empire, holds a position of great significance.

The officer shook his head at his boldness soon after a team of lawyers entered the police station and Mr Anant Dhanrajgir followed them

Anant gaze at the surroundings and found his only beloved son sitting on the bench along with the group of his friends

They cordially greeted Anant by the officer, who then provided him with an update on the situation. Knowing the circumstances, Anant attempted to conceal his son's actions, as he typically does.

After a little conversation, the lawyers passed the inspector some papers and a few minutes later, anant stood up from his place and thanked the police officer

The moment he left the station, the group of boys followed him. Kabir didn't leave the station before waving at the officer, who just exhales a breath at his action .

Mohit winced in pain when he tried to settle in the car

" God, I think it's a fracture, come I will take you to Janki hospital " kuldeep suggested

"yeah why not? ,as we all know why you want to go to that hospital but just for knowledge Janki hospital is little away from here so just visit the nearby one "surya commented

Kuldeep pouted at surya, and the others chuckled, but Mohit ,scream again , which made them worried

"God it's hurting a lot "

"Yeah then you must have stopped dating the wrong girl, when we warned you about her, but that time you were just behaving like romeo. Bada majnu ban Raha tha "Kabir asserted.

"Right ,if you must have stopped that time only that nothing must have occurred like that." surya gave his opinion while wiping the blood from his forehead

"Damn! are you taking me to hospital or should I die here only?" mohit asked wincing in pain

"Surya, you take him or else kuldeep will take him to Janki hospital."

" So what's wrong with that? It's an excellent hospital "

" Yes, certainly it is. ,after all your girlfriend do ajob there , but janki hospital ia maternity hospital and mohit is not pregnant yet .So now if I cleared your doubt just.,leave"

Surya laughs hard at Kabir's dialogue. Kuldeep glared at his so-called friends for pulling his leg. Mohit also joined them but soon he screamed again.

"Kabir. "

A crisp voice from behind disturbed their moment. They all turned around and found Anant standing near his car. The next moment kuldeep, surya and mohit flew from there in kuldeep's car whereas Kabir sighed and reached near the car

Anant got selected in the car and Kabir followed him., they started for dhanrajgir mansion

The moment they enter the house, Kabir started moving towards his room but anant called for him

"Kabir, we need to talk. "

"Not now dad, I am exhausted and..

Anant gave a hard glare at him, so Kabir sighed in frustration and followed his dad to the study room of their house.

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