chapter 75

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The very next morning 

Niyati was sitting in the lawn going through her laptop 

And searching for suitable job in Bangalore 

Anant returned from office in the same time and spotted niyati sitting in the swing so he decided to join her 

Niyati noticed his presence and was going to stand up from her place when Anant signaled her to sit and settle beside her .

 Where is  everyone ?

  "Mom and aunty went for some charity event and kids are in the playzone with Kabir .

“Hmm so Malini is not at home. That's why it's looking peaceful and what are you doing ?” 

Niyati chuckled at his comment about Malini 

“Just filing applications for some companies” 


Anant gave a nod at her , he ordered the helper for tea and shortly the tea arrived 

Until then Anant kept talking with niyati about her education and her job experience .

“ With a good degree and good work experience ,  It will not be difficult for you to get a good job  in Bangalore”

“Really you think so ?”

“Yes .. “ Anant opened his laptop bag and passed her an envelope 

Niyati held the envelope in confusion and took out the paper ,her eyes got wide while reading it 

“Uncle … I mean dad … this is ..”

“Your appointment letter as chief financial officer in Dhanrajgir group of industries “

“Dad. I don't think so …

  “ I know you are going to say you don't want this and don't want to take favor from me or my son .  But before you make any decision 

Hear me out first .

Dhanrajgir empire is a result of hard work of our family from generations 

We know how to run business do investments and extend our empire but still we don't have any knowledge about managing finance department and we totally depend on our accounts team which includes  best CA firm of banglore too "

Niyati kept listening to him 

" I always wished how nice it would be if someone from our family could manage this department too ,still never get a chance and now when I have a very efficient daughter why should I let her work  for other companies absolutely not ? 

 "Dad .. but "

"Listen niyati , no matter what you think about me or Malini but you also cannot deny from one thing that all this after us will belong to Kabir and you .So isn't it better to join our company too , know about our business and be a helping hand to  family. .

I will not force you but take it as my request and I will also suggest you to at least give it a try. If you don't like it you can leave the job whenever you like and nonone will oppose your decisions. That's my promise “

Niyati didn't replied as she was too confused 

“Ok dad…”

Anant patted on her head and told her 

Great then. We will start from tomorrow “ 

Niyati gave a nod at anant the same moment 
Kabir reached there holding avni ,in his arms and Aditya was following him

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