Chapter 35

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Niyati entered the hall in slow steps. She tried hard to avoid this party but she knew her absence will start other doubts so she decided to attend the party for few minutes 

  As soon as she arrived on stage, she wished Kuldeep and Swati 

Noyati, How are you feeling now? Alisha told me about your bad health.  Are you okay now?

“  Yes, much better now; it was just a little fever."

  'Hmm, it must be because of exhaustion. I know how much you helped me with wedding  arrangements, and the sad part is that you missed the wedding.  But I'm still glad that you made it on the reception party."

  Niyati nodded and stood beside her to click some pictures.. After stepping down the stage, she found Alisha giving her a glare before Niyati could say anything. Alisha pulled her and started walking towards the food stall

"Are you nuts? Last night, you scared the hell out of me when I couldn't find you in the club. It was Surya who told me that you left the party because you were not feeling well. At least you must have told me, and I must have accompanied you. Anyway, how are you feeling now? 

 “  I am fine now and I don't want you to miss the fun."

"Ooh, come on! More over, that dumb mohit was dancing like a crazy person at what was essentially a party. and the best part was that he believed he was the club's best dancer.

  Alisha giggled after completing the sentence, and Niyati just smiled, but she just wished to leave for the hostel now. 

   "Alisha, the fever medication is making me drowsier. I think I should head to the hostel."

 “Hmm now?  you just arrived , I mean, can't you wait for some more time?"

“   I love to stay but I am not feeling well."

“Ok, wait, I will come to drop you off.“

“ No, you stay here and enjoy the party. I will manage 

"Are you sure?“


"Okay, but do message me after reaching the hostel."

“ bye."

“ Bye and take care."

Shortly, Niyati started moving towards the exit door when Dr. Parth called for her from behind. 

She composed herself and turned around to face him.

"Hi, Alisha told me you are unwell.  That's why you miss the wedding ceremony in the morning. Are you okay now?”

 “Yes, much better."

 Before long, Parth began complimenting her on her role in facilitating Swati's marriage. Despite Niyati's reluctance to engage in conversation, she listened to everything he had to say out of respect for him. Finally, she spoke up because she did not want to interact with Kabir. 

"If you don't mind, I have to reach the hostel on time. So..

"Hey! ok then see you soon, and I will definitely send you an invitation to my wedding. Anu will love meeting you.”

  Niyati gave a nod with a smile, bid her goodbye to him, and then started moving towards the exit door of the hall.

 But soon mohit appears in front him 

“ Hi Niyati. How are you doing now? Alisha told me you are not well.”

    “ I am fine now and mohit, I have to leave now We will talk later."

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