chapter 68

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I love you Niya”

    Niyati gaped at his face the tears  in his eyes she could feel a genuineness in his voice but no matter what her heart is saying she will not be a victim of his fake love again the next moment Niya just removed her hand from his shoulder and step down from the stage 

While the hall was filled with the sound of applause and cheering 


Kabir just sighed at her reaction, as the others took it as her shyness but he only knew the hatred she keeping for him 

After few more hours the party reached to an end and the family returned home 

Kabir and Anant was still in hotel settling the bills 

While Niyati reached home with Avantika and Malini 

The kids were already asleep . 

Niyati reached to avantika's  room the nannies followed her , after reaching the room the  nannies settle the kids on the bed and left the room 

 While Malini noticed Niyati went to  avantika “s room she just sighed  , avantika notice her gaze and understood what she must be thinking 

“ Malini .. I know what you are thinking ? Last night I realise it when niyati was already asleep so I didn't disturb her . I know she must shift to kabir's room as they are married now. Don't worry I will talk to her ‘’ 


“ Hmm no it's ok , actually I am a little eager sometimes I just made some arrangements in their room  .. but it's fine Avantika I will tell house staff to remove them. “

“  No .. no Need to that ,  I will talk to niyati .it's not that we are forcing them to start a married life but we just want them to get along in colattreal terms . After all they are going to spend their lives together so they must know each other “

“ Yeah that's what I exactly meant to do .. “ 

   “  Malini  you don't worry I will talk to  niyati “ 

“Avantika I never want to offend her, are you sure she will agree to shift in kabir's room “ 

Avantika gve a nod and then reach to her room 

   She found niyati removing her jewelry one by one so niyati spotted her she told avantika 

“Mom you keep an eye on them I just change and come “

“ They are fast asleep “ Avantika replied gazing at the kids 

“ Yeah they had too much fun in the party so they must be exhausted “ 

“   Hmm yes .. and niyati you don't change now “ 

   “ Hmm why ?” 

    Avantika knew niyati will not take her next words nicely still she tried to be polite 

  “  Niyati you are married now you must shift to Kabir's room . Last night you were tired and slept here only so I didn't disturbed you 

But you can't keep staying in my room only.”

    Niyati gazed at avantika for a second then she moved towards the bed and was going to pick avni in her arms 

 “  Let them sleep here , I mean why disturb their sleep . Aditya is a deep sleeper and I will manage avni too .And  if she will trouble me in midnight  I will bring her to you . 

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