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He chuckles drily as his eyes shift to behind my back, he tries to speak to Freen.

- Don't be scared, Freen... She will go with you anyway so she won't tell the story to anyone.

Freen moves her fingers from mine.

I don't want to hear it. Never. It will exceed my limitations. I never never prepare for this. How could I ever think of preparing for this?

I just want to shout to him I don't wanna her, but what I really do is letting him do it whit a hope if he stays longer, we will have more time waiting for someone to help. My only hope - Ritchie - he will call some help for us.

I bite my own lips hoping to mute my own ears with that.

He stops a little, fixating his eyes on his fingers a little longer, then starting telling.

- My family lived in a small Catholic town in the North if Thailand. Mei is my little sister, she was very beautiful, adorable and gifted, she won the Prom Queen 2 years in a row and used to be the lead singer in the church Acapella for 5 years back then. She was very amazing and she was always my favorite... Among her friends at that time, there was a girl whose family had just moved to our town.

He stops playing with her fingers as she stares at me.

- The thing is, this girl was different and also she came from a very different family from ours. She was a girl but always dressed like a boy. And her family, not only were they no religion but also did that family have no mom but instead, have two dads. In our town, theres no child wanting to hang out with her except my little sister Mei, cause she was a very nice girl. But one day, Mei came home and told my younger brother - Sam about a girl who told her that she liked her and they even kissed. Sam was mad . In our Catholic community, homosexuality is unnatural, it's a sin, it's a plague. It must be gotten rid of our community.

He stops, his mouth releases an invisible smirk.

- Then Sam forced her to stop seeing the girl, Mei understood it but the girl didn't. She was stubborn and even fought with Sam. As time went by, she knew she couldn't change Nei's decision, her love gradually turned to hatred. One day while Sam was in school, polices poured into his class and they took him away. He was accused of raping the girl.

He says with his nonchalant tone while lifting his cigarette. I'm speechless. My mouth opens for words but I fail, I just gaspair to my hot hung.

- Sam would never do that. He was a hothead but he was a good kid. He was seventeen at that time so when the girl's family sued him, his age wasn't enough to go the prison. But they didn't give up, they were wealthy and they had more than enough money to follow the court until he got eighteen. Mei even kneed in front of the girl to beg her and her family to let it go, but they didn't. After a year of following the court, as a result, we ran out of cash, we borrowed money from friends and then banks. I was forced to come back to Thailand. Sam had already been sent to prison and the girl had already moved out ot the country when I came back.

He throws the cigarette to the ground then he sways his shoes on it.

- But it didn't end there. - He speaks up. - When I was back, my family was in chaos. We were on the edge of getting bankrupted and my dad started to drink as I was forced to involve in our family business. I started helping them to kill the pigs and selling pork to the market. That was when my phobia came back, but I couldn't tell them about it cause we didn't have money to get me a therapist. It was a night when I was back from the farm when I saw my dad was hitting Mei while blaming her for the chaos we had been through. Mei did nothing wrong but always being a good girl. I was angry seeing that and at one lost moment, there was a voice inside my head telling me to end all of those. I killed him with a knife I just used to kill the pigs.

The deadly silence fills up the room as his voice echos and echos. My heart never stops racing since, I stepped inside this room and now cold sweat is all over my back.

- I never wanted to do it. I loved him, I respected him. But when I realized it he was already gone. The next day's morning, I was sent to the airport to go back to London while my mother and Mei took care of everything. A week later, I heard from a friend that my mom was accused of murdering her husband for self defense. I came back to Thailand taking care of my sister but It was hard to live there while people in that small town were judging us.... It all started with a girl who broke out family and brought misery to us. That girl's name is Freen Sarocha Chankimha.


MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now