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I shouted to the man ta take his friend and go, while I held Sarocha's arm to stop her. After they silently left, Sarocha and I were back to argue again. Sarocha just went to the toilet while I thought she left me. If I had not argued with her and taken all the blame on me, maybe things would have been different. But at the moment, I was taken away, as the more we argued, the more tearer my eyes got, especially when she threw cursing words to my face. I knew my limit, if things like this happen once more, than I thought I would give up, for the first time in my life, I would quit.

Well, that was not the worst.

The worst part was when were arguing, a bunch of men pouring out from that backdoor of the club we, the man that Sarocha beat earlier pointed his hand at us while talking to the gang, some starts to pick up some wooden bars from the ground. That moment, we looked at each other's eyes and we knew we screwed up.

- Run! Run fast as you can to the big alley over there, this way!

Sarocha murmured and she took my arm , pulling me with her to the opposite direction of the club. As soon as we made a move, the gang ran to us , leaving us no choice but to run as well. I stumbled because of the high heels, Sarocha shouted to me.

- Leave your shoes, I will get you a new pair tomorrow.

Yeah. Tomorrow, if we could be alive until tomorrow, she would buy me a new pair.

I don't know, until now I still don't know, but I was smiling while hearing that from her.

I don't you if you have ever been through a situation that you have to run to keep you life, but let me tell you this, in that kind of situation, your heart could literally explode inside your chest because of your fear and your running causing too much pressure. And you don't care about being with that person you hate, the person who are taking your arm and support you to run. I didn't know if I could survive tomorrow, looked at the bunch of men, they were at least 10 people, chasing us while laughing, whistling, cursing as they enjoyed it, and looked at what Sarocha had done to heir friends, anything could happen to us. But she still manage to think about buying me a new pair of shoes. Tomorrow.

Right now I'm looking at my bare feet, I still can't help smiling. I must look like an idiot.

Well, about running, we ran to the bigger alley with the hope that I could give us a getaway to some main streets and then called for help, but the big alley turned out to be a big dead end alley . Sarocha quickly realized out situation as she continuously cursed. We entered a dead end and there was no place to hide there.

Sarocha dragged me to run to the end of the alley.

- Check the cars for me, find a car whose door is unlocked.

I immediately did as she said, I thought that she wanted us to hide in a car. But when we found one and entered the car, Sarocha asked me to give her some light, but I had left my phone in the club. Sarocha cursed, but she still lowered her body under the steering wheel. The perks of running aways with a genius week she was gonna hotwire a car.

I swear that  was the longest five minutes in my life, I had no idea what Sarocha was doing under the steering wheel, all I saw is the gang walking to our car . They have stopped running since they knew we entered a dead end. I hoped the car will run before the gang reached our car, just like in the movie, but no, they reached our car laughing, knocking and jumping in the front of the car. They tried to open the door but I had locked.

I noticed some men started to step away from my car, and one man was holding a wooden bar took three steps backward, and then he started to continuously bang the bar on the car window. The banging sound of the bar and the glass is still creeping in my mind now. The glass window started to crack and that was when the car engine began to roam , the light was on inside the car. Sarocha shouted to me to hold tight then she pressed the gas pedal.


Sarocha opens her eyes and stares to the dull wall in front of her, seems like she cat sleep. We had a fight earlier before Sarocha decided to get some sleep. Mainly, we blamed each other, and argued about what if this, what if that.

What if Sarocha hadn't disappeared?

What if I hadn't followed her. Or followed the shadow I thought was her?

What if Sarocha didn't go find me ( I mean I might be successful with my birthday lie? )

What if Sarocha didn't beat the man?

What if I had just let Sarocha beat the man until he become unconscious?

What if we hadn't argued in the alley but come inside the club instead?

Tiring ..

We sit for 20 minutes in silence, eyes open staring through the night, then I decide to break it.

- Sarocha.... Hmm thank you for... finding me and saving me, really, I mean it.
For millions of what if, there is a what-if Sarocha had not come to find me, what would have happened. It could be something worse than sitting here. And she bashed the man who harassed me without any second of hesitation, herself took two punches in return. Her lower lip is swollen visibly.

- I didn't do it for you ... - she sighs. - I did it for Rose ... She will hate me for my whole life if I let that happen to you.

Oh. That is. I don't know, I just feel my heart clenched hearing this. But I ignore it, I move on.

-  And there is another thing, about what I said to you the last time we talked in your office. I was carried aways and said some bad words about you. I really regret that. I want to find a chance to say sorry to you for a long time but we always end up fighting so I think I will say it now, I'm sorry miss Sarocha. 

- You don't need to, I forgot about it anyway.

- I want to say sorry and I want you to know that I'm sorry. Maybe it's nothing much to you, but it is something to me. The thing is, you treat me badly doesn't mean I should do the same to you. If I don't like the way you treat me, then I shouldn't do the same to other people, including you.

Sarocha chuckles, sarcastically.

- I feel like you just slap me... But life doesn't work that way. You are too naive.

I gave Sarocha a questioning look. Sheet adds.

- Have you ever got so much money or so much power?

I shake my head.

- that's is the point. You will never understand.

Sarocha says as she stands up and walks to the grid, she asks for a cup of water and a few moments later, an officer hands her a plastic cup.

Oh if you are wondering, we are in a detention room in Los Angeles Police Department, for fucking stealing a car.

Here you go guys, it's a long chapter for you all.🤗

MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now