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I  rush to the street looking for a cab but this area looks like a suburban, so there is no cab around. I desperately so to my phone to find an Uber , but the nearest driver is 10 minutes driving far from me and from where I am standing to the real Publicis HQ is 30 minutes driving far. Just when I press the button for Uber, there is a black car pulling up near where I'm , the glass window is pulled down to reveal no one than the handsome Asian guy I've just 'met'.

- Hey ! You! - He says cooly.

- Yeah, Hi! - I smile awkwardly

- I guess you are having trouble calling for a cab?

- I don't find any taxi here, I've already called a Uber but he is still far away . I'm going to be late for the meeting.

- Where are you going?

-  Rodeo Drive

- I'm going to somewhere near Rodeo Drive as well , I can give you a lift.


I settle down in his car , smiling from ear to ear , I don't want Sarocha to have reasons for scolding me so yeah. He starts driving while I watch the streets closely. I really want to tell him to drive faster but I don't know how to ask, I just open and then close my mouth.

- You are not living here, I mean in LA , are you?

-  Yeah, I've just been here a week ago for a business trip.

- Where are you from? - He speaks up.

- England but I live in Korea now. - I reply with a smile. - You?

- Thailand.

- My boss is also from Thailand.

- is she here with you?

- Yeah. Actually she is waiting for me. We have an important meeting and I'm lost. I'm lost cause she can't wait 2 more minutes for me while she is the one who asked me to buy her coffee. Yeah the coffee I poured over you earlier, sorry about that again.

- No worry, I'm fine. Your boss sounds like, some kind of mean, huh?

- "Mean" is too generous for her. Sarocha is arrogant , full of herself, scary and savage. She makes my life living hell.

- Sarocha? Her name is Sarocha?

- Yeah.

- interesting. I knew a person in Thai whose name is Freen  Chankimha.

- Really?

-  Do you have her picture? I have a feeling that perhaps they are just a person.

-  Well, she doesn't use social media .. oh I remember , we have her picture in the company website.

I show him the picture an my phone while he looks closely for a few seconds then he shakes his head.

- No. The Chankimha I knew is totally different from this one.

-  Speaking about her, she will kille if I won't give her this file in the next 15 minutes, so can you drive faster, please!

-  Yeah , yeah sure.

Since then, he speeds up , totally focuses on driving, we don't talk until arring at Rodeo Drive. I thank him sincerely and rush to get off the car when he suddenly holds my arm.

- Hey, - he says, rubbing his head as if he is shy. - Can I have your number? I know, we just meet, it's sudden but if you don't mind, I want to drive you around LA this weekend . It doesn't mean anything, just hanging around, sightseeing and talking, you know.

My mind pops up an excuse that I will be busy this weekend , but on the second thought, it is really rude to reject the person who just helps you. So I smile and nod. I might reject him after this is he calls for real and ask me.

- I'm Marioby the way. - He says while I type my number on his phone.

- here. - I give him his phone. - I'm Becky.

I smile , we bid good bye.

Lucky that I'm just almost late.


Oh! Sarocha, she is standing , arms cross, rolling her eyes at me. I'm getting used to the scene so I just fake a smile back. At work, we are forced to act professionally, so as soon as our work section with some guys at Publicis gets done, Sarocha and I come back to the fighting state. She blames me for arriving late , getting lost and wearing a dirty shirt to work why I fire back with her bad treatment towards me: changing her coffee in a blink of an eye and leaving me alone this morning.

Then she drags me into a huge shopping mall, telling me that we will have a little party with ta Publicis team as we come to an agreement of partnership.

- You have to change your fashion taste, it's awful. I don't know how you can keep wearing this kind of skirt, it's so boring.

I roll my eyes, She drags me to a Chanel shop, not waiting me to process, telling me she would pick a dress for me. While she looks some dresses , I sneakily look for the price tag and then I gape at the numbers.

- Becky, - she calls me, hand holding a black dress. - This one! It will look good on you!

I check the price first and then I blink my eyes at the number while I can't find a word to reply to her.

- No. It's too much for me.

- What? Too much?

- It's costly, you don't have to buy this for me.

- Who say's I'm gonna buy this for you?

- W...what?

- I'm gonna minus your salary for this? Why do I have to buy this for you? It's your dress.

I bite my lower lip while heat runs up to my cheek. Why did I think Sarocha would buy this for me? Where did that thought come from?  I just want to dig a hole to jump in and stay there.

- Are you nuts? I'm not gonna buy this. This dress costs a fortune. You could buy and wear it if you like.

- I don't like dresses, I only like wearing pants.

- I'm just saying, I don't care what you like to wear, I'm gonna walk out of here.

I say as I drag Sarocha's arm , pulling her to go with me.

- What are you doing? - She hisses

- Let's get out of here!

- You go! I stay!

- No. We will get out of here together, I will make sure I will be stuck with you until the end of the trip, you can't leave me alone, again.

As Sarocha's afraid to cause a scene in the shop,  she gives up and let's me drag her out, groaning in frustration. I choose a much much cheaper black dress in another shop.

Hi guys can you tell me, where are you from? Just want to ask tho🤭

MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now