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Now it confuses me more. There is no way that were close and Sarocha treated me like nothing.

- You must been mistaken. You just saw the way she ignored me when she's here.

- I know I'm not, big sis. That's the reason why I said it's the most mysterious thing to me, or now. I don't know what happened to you two. But trust me, you and her were more than just friends!

Ritchie looks at me in the eyes and I know his words are honest, but I just can't believe my own ears. There is no way...

- What do you mean by that?

- So... - he stops as he shifts his eyes to the building from afar, eyes deepening like he's trying to remember he events. - that's when I was around ten. One night, Sarocha showed up at our door, you know we used to live together in a very small house , right? - He looks back at me for confirmation, I nod and he continues. - She stayed the night at our house for a couple times, with you, in your bed room.

- Why? - I interrupt.

Ritchie laughs.

- I don't know, big sis, I was just a kid and I just knew that your friend would stay in our house that night. But what I want to say is.... - He turns his head to look around, making sure that the surrounding just has two of us, after confirming we're safe, he looks at me in the eyes again. - I saw you two Kissing in your room the morning after.

Thumb! That's why my heart dropping to the ground.

- I... We did what? Kissing?

Ritchie nods firmly.

Just a second after digesting the brand new piece of information, I feel my heart racing, heat rush to my neck and cheeks. I blush a mess.

- No way!!!!

- And that's the only time she stayed in our house, big sis. She was there for a few times. You two look like a newly-married couple. Haha and that was a happy time for all of us. I thought that two of you could make a couple after that time, but then you joined the company and I didn't see you two together since then. I went to boarding  school, keeping contact with Sarocha, but you were never a topic of our conversation, so I thought that something happened between you two... That's how our life always work. 

- Or maybe, we just, you know, like colleagues with benefits...

- Haha benefit your ass, big sis. Sarocha could have anyone and she chose to sleep in that super duper small bed of yours. And I knew your eyes too. Eyes never lies, big sis.

- Our eyes?

- Like the way you two look and stare at each other, the way you two talk, the vibe, it floats in the air when you two are around. Just like you and Jin Ah now.

Oh shit I thought that no one knows about us. Like well, I'm screwed.

- What? You know about me and J..Jin Ah?

- Yeah.  - He chuckles. - don't be so surprised! You used to confess to our aunt that you're into girls , big sis. You didn't remember that? - Ritchie speaks while I curse internally while palms on my face. - But our family has made a promise to protect you from publicity , so we never bring this for discussion, not even when you're around, since we know that you might not feel comfortable about it yet. Most of us are somehow, still strangers to you.

- No, don't say it that way, were family. - I turn to look at him.

- Not when you don't remember us.

- I can feel the bond.

- I know you do. But what I mean is since you don't remember even yourself, we don't bring the topic of you sexuality to talk to you. You have to find it out yourself, don't you?

- yeah...

I remember when I just realize my feelings for Jin ah. I was freaked out, especially when I was a celebrity. I don't think I can feel this way towards her, but the fact that I can't stop it. It just happens.

- Now that I think it would be more than okay that you know you have our family support, so you don't have to worry, or to act in front of us . Family is supposed to feel like home, I don't want you to be uncomfortable.

- That is nice, nicest thing I have ever heard from you. Thank you!

Ritchie smiles shyly. I know it's not usual to him to say these kinds of things. .

- ...and about Sarocha. - I gulp nervously . - Are you sure? That we had a past?

- I can't tell for sure, you two were never official together, no one knows about two of you. Even her best friend, Rosé didn't know a thing. Am I right?

- I...I don't know.

- What I mean is - Ritchie shrugs. - it's never official. Just me. The witnesor. The kiss. The eye contact. And based on the fact that Sarocha ignored you, I think there is something deep in the water. I'm curious too.

- Why don't you ask her? You two seem close.

Ritchie doesn't answer. He is silent. He is deep in this thought for a couple of moments again. I spend time to think of the events too, fantasizing myself with the image of me and Sarocha kissing. Heat gets back to my neck, my face and then my ears. Then churn in my low stomach comes back. It gets worse.

- Big sis? - Ritchie stares deeply into my eyes

- Yes?

- Have you ever wondered why are we born in this life and why do we meet these people, why do we fall in love, why do hate someone? Why is this family? Why is this thing, not that thing? Do you believe that things happen for reasons and the result of everything we did in the past will be something that happens to us in the future.

- Why are you so sudden? But to answer you, Yes. I have. I believe that. My mission in life is to sing, is that right? But I don't know why is our family, why is you why I fall in love. It just happens. Do you know why?

- I do. - Ritchie nods firmly.

- You do?

- I've been taking the Buddhism philosophy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and the like, for more than two years.

- Wow! That sounds interesting and... Difficult.

- I will graduate in January and I will spend my next year in Tibet, continue my study.

- You what ? Tibet. That's too far! And why? I don't understand.

I don't know how our conversation turns out to be this far away from Sarocha's topic. Is this the mind of genius people work?

- it's my mission. It's hard to explain it to you right now, but one day, you will understand. I just discussed it with Sarocha, and she supports me, even though I have to work for her after I graduate. It's the deal when I got the scholarship. Sarocha said that it's something bigger than my working for her.

- You're just around fifteen, Ritchie. I can't imagine you will be alone in Tibet.

- Big sis, do you want to know about what is your past-life relationship with other people,?

MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now