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We are on our way back to the city. She is driving really slow, like she's afraid the time will run out if she drives to fast. But actually, her mind is clouded. I can tell it when I look at her face. Something has taken her mind completely, something she doesn't want to tell me directly or she is trying to figure out how.

Or perhaps, I'm just too sensitive, she is simply focusing on driving.

- Bunny, Ritchie told me that you saved some of my pictures on your phone.

She averts her eyes to look at me briefly then nods.

- Yeah. But not some, it's a lot. - She chuckles.

- The only picture of yours I have us this one. - I hold up my phone for her to look at it. She immediately furrows her beautiful eyebrows.

- Where did you get it? I don't remember I took any sleeping pictures.

- I took it when we were in California, you were sick. - She nods, then I try to sound light when I continue. - Have you ever looked at my pictures and done something "Naughty?"

- What? - Her face reddens at my question as she blinks her eyes really hard. I bite my lips suppressing my own laughter.

- Cause I did. Did you? Tell me honestly.

- oh my god! What has got into you? - She scratches her nape cutely.

- So you didn't? - I act with a cute pout.

- Okay okay, I did. Alright! - Now she covers her forehead with her palm while her face turns red. How cute.

- Oh god! Really, Freen? I'm just trying to mess up with you. I didn't do anything. - I burst out laughing.

- Awww Small beannnn! - She let's out a deep groans rolling her eyes a little.

- But I love it! - I take her hand and place a kiss in the palm while fixating my eyes on her. - You don't have to hide things when you're around me Bunny, you can tell me anything.

She just nods then silently back to driving, I take the chance to lace our fingers together.

- I have a plan. - I caress her hand, staring at her side profile as confessing. - I will retire when I'm 30. - Freen turns to me with confusion in her eyes. Yeah I totally get it. It's just the beginning of my career but I have already planning retirement out. I smile as my thumb caresses her skin. I respond all the plan I have had in my mind from the start. - After 30, I think I will have enough of what i have been pursuing. I might still sing, but just for special occasions, for special people. At 30, I think I want a family. After all, what I have been always missing is a family. Somehow, the dream of a family is even more intriguing than my singing dream. The feeling of belonging. I want to take care of Ritchie. I want to take care of you. I want a real family....

Her hands gets stiffen in my hands as I watch her eyes blinking a couple of times. Then suddenly, I realize what I have just said. A family with Freen.

Is it too soon to think about it? Will it freak her out?

My lips tremble as I try to find words correcting myself.

- I'm sorry, I mean, if you want to be with me when I'm getting old, I want to take care of you, I will take care of you. I love you more than anything.

That's when the car reaches my apartment. Freen withraws her hand as she turns off the engine and gets out of the car, walking around the head of the car to open the door for me.

Blinking my eyes, I feel a ton of stones weighing my chest. I just said the word when Freen replies nothing. I really did freak her out with all of my bold lines tonight.

But I was honest with every word I said.

Maybe it's just too sudden. Maybe she needs time to arrange our stuff. Maybe she needs more time to accept the fact that we are together. Maybe we should take it slow.

Or maybe she changes her mind.

Yeah. If it would be the case then I will chase after her. I will not give up in usm I will not let her go this time. I'm a woman if my word and I will do It.

But then again, the fact that I said I love her and she ignored it...

It's a weird  silence when we get inside my apartment. While I freeze in the middle of the living room, don't know what to do next, to head to even it's my apartment, Freen looks around the room, but it's not like she is studying my apartment, she is like searching for something.

- Where do you leave your instruments? - She asks.

Out of nowhere, she looks for instrument room. However, my mind is too occupied with the fact Freen didn't reply me when I said I love her bothers me so much. I just don't have any nerves left to ask her what is she going to do with the instruments room.

I heave s sigh of relief, but curse at my stupidity at the same time. I have ruined the night. 

Five minutes later, when I come back from the kitchen with a bottle of red wine in my hand, I thought it would help to erase the awkwardness, Freen is already standing in the living room. Outing down the bottle, I eye her questioningly.

Then all of a sudden, Freen lowers her body, now she goes down on one knee.

- What are you doing? - I furrow my eyebrows.

- Beanie, Small bean, Becky Armstrong, I have always thought about asking you to be my GIRLFRIEND, but tonight you stole the chance from me. - A wide smile plasters in my face at her sudden cuteness, but her face is damn serious making my stomach twisted as I can't wait any longer for her to continue.

- So I cannot lose this chance to you. - She continues. - Becky Armstrong, WILL YOU MARRY ME?

She says firmly, holding up a Ring made from the guitar string.


This is the END of the story. Becky says YES, then they both become very successful and powerful couple and their relationship is fully supported by family and the public. Finally, they live happily ever after.


Okay, I'm just kidding 🤭

Hope you guys enjoy this special chapter. I will edit and update when I have time then.

Love you na kha! <3

MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now