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Stefani knew all the good and the bad events from their current life are the results of their previous lives actions. They are soulmates, and through their lives, they have to overcome the challenges together. But they failed in some, they hurts each other, their lessons haven't been learnt and the events repeat. Especially, in the life when Freen suicides, her soul has been cursed and broke. Her depression is resulted from the broken soul in her last life. One more important thing, souls who suicide, who do not appreciate their life will be cursed, in most of the cases, they are not allowed to regenerate in thousands of years. Some rare cases, depends on circumstance, they are regenerated but have to learnt the lesson or history will repeat. In this case, Freen might have to experience of the pain when her loved ones dead.

If Becky was Freen's lover at that time, it means that Becky might be dead. And as far as she knew, once she was almost killed, And once she returned from death.

Becky didn't know how to act after she watched the whole film and listening to Stefani's sharing about Freen. She didn't remember any single events. The face is blurring. But the feelings remain. The recording and the film told her that she talked about Freen all the time and they are truly soulmates. It's just that she doesn't know what to do next? To run after Freen and says; Hey, we're soulmates, then what?

Freen chose to stay away from her, for her own sake. She doesn't want to believe what Stefani said, but still, she was here, 6 months avoiding to face Freen and have a honest conversation with her. She has been stuck in her own mind for months about what to do next.

She was still in a relationship with Jin Ah, even though they haven't talked for days. Oh yeah, she can't imagine that she hasn't texted or called Jin Ah for days, and vice versa. And she feels somehow relieved with that. Becky decides that she should be alone for something and gets her life together first, then when the time comes, she will know it.

Becky's house is not very small, but got a pood and a beautiful garden for her to chill if she wants to. She would love to spend time by the pool reading at drawing alone, but today, she feels like she want to go out and have a cool drink, so she goes. She just wear simple cloths, not even make up, and go out, feeling contented that she has decided to give up her celebrity life si that she won't have to wait hours to make up and choose clothes before going out. Becky walks to the bar near her house. And one more time, she feels contented that no ones here know her, so she can walk like a normal people.

Now sitting alone in the bar, Becky feels a little lonely. She is the only one who comes alone here. And she asks herself if she can live by herself until the end of her life? The idea gives her a cold chill down her spine. She doesn't like it, at all.

Human feeling is really complicated, she thought, how can person fall out of love with person? How feeling we used to have all gone - gone to where and when - we have no idea. She used to be crazy about Jin Ah, right? Jin Ah is beautiful, Jin Ah used to make her heart beat like crazy. She used to dream about Jin Ah, and wish that she would have her heart. She used to think that she have been addicted to her. But now, it's all gone. All are just memories. The feelings are strange to her. To the level that she feels guilty cause her love has changed, she feels like a bad one.

It rains when Becky takes the phone and dials Jin Ah's number. After a few rings, Jin Ah picks up.

- Love?

She somehow cringes at the endearment.

- Uhm, hello Jin Ah. What're you doing?

- Nothing. I'm going to call you too. What are you doing?

- I'm outside, drinking some beer.

- Alone? - Jin Ah chuckles.

Becky decides to ignore the question and she just wants to focus on the topic.

- We need to talk. - There is a pause of silence on the other side. Eventually, Jin Ah responds.

- I'm listening.

- Jin Ah, I think we should stop.

- You're breaking up with me in a phone call?

- it doesn't .ake a difference that I call you or I meet you in person.

- You change, Becky. You before would never say that. You before would run extra smiles just to say goodnight to me. You before would find every chance to be with me.

- I don't, Jin Ah. I don't change. You're the one who didn't agree to go with me.

- Oh come on, Becky. We discussed this so many times before. I don't know where the hell of the idea retirement of you come from. It's too sudden. I need time.

- I told you four months ago.

- It's not enough. I don't even have time to think about it. Since you throw the bomb, I have to take care of the media and PR to make sure everything doesn't go wrong. While I'm swamped in tasks, you are just sitting there, sipping your beer like there is nothing. I can't do it, Becky.

- Look, I'm sorry if I cause you trouble and pressure for you. But I realize that both of us haven't changed. It's just that our ways before are the same, so we can understand each other and share our life very well., But now, we are growing apart. We are just growing apart . It's hard to us to understand and to share. So it'll be the best for both of us that we should stop.

- You grow apart, I'm not.

- Yeah. Yes. I'm growing apart. - Becky closes her eyes, accepting the truth.

- Are you falling out of love with me?

- Jin Ah.. I.. - words stuck on her throat.

- Love, please. - Jin Ah's voice hoarse. - I still love you. Can we talk about it later, when you are come back to Seoul.

- I won't be back to Seoul, at least in 2 years, Jin Ah.

- What will you do in that 2 years?

- And a peaceful life. Without secret. No lies. I want to be myself. Freely express my feelings without being afraid of other people's judgement. Having someone I can kiss and I can hold their hand anytime I want, I can care for them and being taken care of. I want a life like that. I hope you can it one for yourself too, Jin Ah. I don't think I'm the one for you cause we're been searching for different things now. I'm sorr...

Jin Ah already hung up on the other side.

She thinks that she heard the sobbing sound somewhere, along with the sound of the rain. Jin Ah is possibly crying... It takes Becky a few seconds to be back in the reality. The rain is getting heavier. She grabs the beer and drink it in one gulp. Her heart feels heavy too. A heavy, lonely, free heart.


MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now