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9 years ago.

That was the first Month I spent in Korea, and j was totally alone in the new land. Eating alone in a fancy restaurants, going shopping alone, drawing alone, singing alone Infront of my mirror, going to a club alone, traveling around the city alone.

That noon, I was alone again, going to eat my favorite food in my favorite shop. It was a small one, but very well-known for Korean traditional noodles. It's over noon, so when I came in, that staff told me they were out of my favorite food and asked me if I wanted something else.

- Oh, I'm sorry. We are out of salmon . The last one we have already sold to this girl. - The old woman smiled at me while her hand pointed to the Australian girl standing in front of me. - do you want something else?

- No. Thank you. - I replied without a smile.

I turned to leave then a  Australian girl voice called me back.

- Hey! You! - I turned around, the Australian girl gave me a big smile. - Let's share!

She didn't wait for me to reply, she turned to the old woman and asked her to share the noodle into 2 different bowls.

- Di you want to drink something? - She asked.

- One woongjin.

- Okay. - She ordered and even took her wallet out to pay for my drink, but I was quicker, I out the bill in the countertop and gave her another bill for the half of the food. She took it with a small smile.

- wanna share the table with me,m I'm alone here too.

I was going to reject, but then that sparkling in her eyes told me she was honest when she asked me o sit with her and I would be rude if I said no. So I nodded.

- I'm Rosé. - she grinned bigger.

- Freen. I'm Freen .

That was the first time I met Rosé.

She never changed.

And I'm sorry Rosé.


The Present time.

There are people who feel like sunny autumn mornings, not too cold, not too hot, chill and comfortable to be with. And I imagine myself meditating in that kind of morning, in the garden at dawn. And I will love to walk to work with a cup of warm coffee in my hands while watching the busy street, the green and golden Ginkgo leaves in the trees along the way, the colorful billboard hanging up high in the buildings. And if a sunny Autumn morning were a person, that person would be Becky Armstrong.

Time goes by quickly. It is now Thursday after my two-day business trip in Busan. I don't have so much time, so I drive straight from the airport to Becky's house. I even stop by a flower shop to get her a bunch of fresh Tulips. I noticed he phones lock screen once set with this kind of flowers.

She hasn't arrived home yet it's now 7pm. Ritchie is the one who opens the door for me and leads me inside. The boy us eating cookies while playing video games. Easily getting bites of waiting for her, we decided to buy something in the convenience store nearby for Becky to cook dinner.

Ritchie then quickly takes his coat and runs after me. Ritchie is a playful boy, he looks totally different from Becky, except his tall straight nose. His nose reminds me of the Small bean. After finishing picking up our food, we walk back together. I expect Becky to be home when we enter her house, but no, it's now 7:30 in the evening but she hasn't gone home yet. I play video games with him to kill time. I check the time every 5minutes, I even called her bust she didn't take my call, not even Ritchie's.

It's around 9pm, both of us are starving so I decided I would try to cook for Ritchie something. With the phone in my hand, I read the guideline to fry salmon and hotdog while Ritchie cooks the rice then washes the cucumbers and tomatoes to make some salad.

It's nearly 10 in the evening when we settle down at the table Ang look at the dishes we cook. Both of us laugh hard. It's just they are a mess, a totally mess . The hotdogs I cut and fried turned out in uncanny shapes while the salmon was burned on both sides, the only thing that looks normal is the asparagus, but looking at this green, I'm not sure if it's well-cooked or not. I leave a portion of food for Becky in a bowl cause she might be stuck up at work that she could go home late without having a proper dinner.

It's 10:48 when we both punish eating and cleaning the dishes, Becky hasn't been home nor given us a call yet. I'm getting worried about her so I decided to call Yuki. But to my surprise, Yuki tells me Becky left the office at 6 pm, and with Rosé.

- I'm going home now, kid. Can you stay here alone?

He stops typing on the computer, turning his head while giving me a nod.

- I'm okay. I'm getting used to it, Becky Big sis often gets home this late.

Entering Becky's bedroom to take my luggage which I put earlier when I thought I would spend a night here. But then I find myself flop down on her bed, I lie on my stomach while my face is buried in her pillow. I sniff her scent which I have been missing very much. The bed is like a magnet , pulling me in and I feel like I have no energy left to fight back. But then I hear the door slamming, followed by a familiar voice. It's her. She is home. I immediately stand up and take my luggage. I should have left this house right away minutes before to avoid seeing her face right now.

As expected, she is shocked to see me walking out of her bedroom.

- Freen. What are you doing here? - Her eyes glance down to the luggage. - Don't tell me you are moving here? - her voice is teasing but I'm not in the mood.

- No. I'm going home now.

I give her a cold shoulder which makes her eyebrows immediately narrow. Her eye follow me to the door then she drops her bag to rush to my direction.

- Wait! Freen! I thought you were in Busan. Did you just come here right after you dropped off the plane?

I don't answer her as I swing the door open and fasten my speed. .

- Freen Sarocha? What happened?

- Why didn't you answer my phone or Ritchie's? Are you that busy with your date not to take our call or call us back ?

- You called? I'm sorry. I forgot the phone in the office. I didn't have it with me. And I was... I was with Rosé. It's just a friendly date, we had dinner and talked and things . I , I just found its hard to reject her.

MY ANGEL IN THE DARK | FREEN'BECKY | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now