Part 9: Two sides

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The takoyaki seller was such a tease. When he saw Haise and I discussed about how much food I wanted to get, he asked Haise, "Arr, young couple, are you looking for an engagement takoyaki?"

"What the hell is an engagement takoyaki?" I responded to his joke. The old man chortled, then prepared a portion for us.

"Thank you very much," I said to Haise when he passed the food to me. "I'll pay for your food next time!" - so I said because that's what I usually said to someone who treated me to a meal.

Haise was out of words; he formed an awkward grin, "U-uh?"

I just realised that it sounded like I offered to buy him some human flesh.

"I mean, coffee-drinks, not food. I-I'll treat you to coffee next time?"

"That might be a better idea," Haise chuckled.

I wondered where did he get his food? But I didn't want to be cheeky and asked him about it, like 'hey have you been out murdering people and eat them'...

"What's the matter?" Haise noticed my silence. His questioning face looked so innocent and child-like, I was 100% sure that he couldn't even harm a single ant, let alone human.

"Are you... not hungry?" I asked him carefully. From the manga I read, I knew that ghouls only needed to feed once in a month or so. Haise didn't look like someone who overate even a little.

"I... ate a few weeks ago, so... I'm not entirely full, but not starving either."

"Um..." I was still curious but didn't know if I should continue with this conversation.

"It's okay, you can ask me anything," he grinned.

"I wonder... how you get food..." I tried to keep a straight face.

Haise's expression turned serious, "Are you sure you want to know?"

I looked away and crouched in a corner, wailing quietly, "Mommy I'm scared..."

"I don't go around hunting for food, ha ha, don't be silly."

"I know you wouldn't do that," I responded confidently.

"Because of the cinnamon roll thing?" Haise referred to the time I slipped out that he's too pure for this world, "Yes that is how I roll."

I wasn't sure how to react to this. Usually I didn't find puns funny, but when Haise was the one saying it, I found it amusing... Just how deep am I drowning in this crush pit right now?

"Anyway, if you're really curious, do you want to come see when I go get my food?"

"R-really? I can?" I didn't know what I should be expecting, but I wanted to experience it first hand.

"Yeah, I'll keep you safe, don't worry."

"If you say it like that, it makes me worry! Keep safe from what exactly?"

"Not telling, it won't be exciting if I spoil it for you," he said this with a smug face.

At that point in my life, I understood why people would do literally anything for love. I wasn't sure if I fell in love yet, but I was already excited even though I might end up stealing some bodies to keep my ghoul crush sated.

"We won't be breaking any law," Haise read the expression on my face.


"Why do you sound disappointed??"

"Teehee. So when are we going to do it?"

"Some time before next week, it should be soon."

This guy is hungry, I thought.


Later that evening...

I was browsing on my phone in my hotel room, when I heard some noises coming from the door facing the garden. The doorknob was moving suspiciously; someone from outside was trying to break in!

I was about to get out of my room through the other door - which was connected to the hotel corridor, and asked for Haise's help. Then I heard a certain brat's voice through the window, "Senseeiii... I am... come toooo play~~ *giggles*"

He sounded like a drunk person (-_-")

I opened the door to let him in. But before I could tell him off, I noticed that his right cheek was bleeding.

"Oh my God, Sougo, what happened?" I walked Sougo to sit on my bed, so I could treat his wound.

Haise showed up, having heard of all the commotion. "Is everything okay?"

Sougo replied to this, "Yes yes... Go away, you're not my doctor."

"Please ignore him," I said, while going through the first aid kit.

"He's drunk." Haise was still standing just outside the door, probably too polite to come in without permission.

"I'm not," Sougo replied, he walked to the door and closed it on Haise.

"Sougo, that was rude!" I went to open the door again to apologize.

"It's okay, I'll go," said Haise, "Just shout if you need me, I'm just next door."

"Thank you."

I sat Sougo down on the bed for the second time, then began cleaning the blood spot on his cheek.

"You grazed yourself, how did it happened?"

He flinched a little when the disinfectant touched the cut. "I tripped... Face on sharp pebbles."

"Be careful, you silly kid... I hope nobody else saw you being drunk, you could get in trouble," I said with concern.

He kept quiet and just stared at me while I dressed his wound. The injury was only tiny, so I had to looked at it closely when I applied the bandage. This brought our faces close to one another. I didn't notice it until I felt a peck on my cheek.

I could feel Sougo's lips on my face...

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