[Reader X Sougo]

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AU: What would happen if...

At the expense of spoiling the ending of this special chapter, I'd advise readers who are Haise fans to avoid this chapter lol. This is dedicated for Sougo stans because I feel many were disappointed Reader-chan didn't end up with Sougo (even though this sounds weird too as I type, I somehow can understand this feeling because dude- I also love Sougo and especially him in this series lol he's adorable okay). I'll also apologize in advance if this chapter is full of greasy fluffs or something 。(*^o^*)ゞ


"Hey guess what!"
You whisper enthusiastically, patting on the back of the student queuing at the school canteen.

The light brown haired boy turns around, only to be greeted with your happy grin.

"Why are you talking to me," he says languidly, aware that his friends are around and probably already judging him to be this close with a member of the school staff. Students don't like teachers, remember.

Well, maybe not you. Since you're not technically a teaching staff; even if you might not know it, kids are admiring you. Young teachers are rare and the nice ones are even rarer. And you happen to be both. Some of them also think you're super adorable. The others think you're hot.

"Sensei, if Sougo is acting hard to get, you can talk to me instead," offers one of the students.

"Oh okay! I just really want to brag about this so anyone is fine," you reply excitedly.

"Stop this," the one called Sougo yanks his friend away from you. "She's cringey, you don't want to be involved with her."

"Oh yeah?" Another one of Sougo's friends challenges him, "I think you just want to keep this Sensei for yourself."

"Back off punks!" Suddenly some of their female classmates appear to stand between you and the boys. "None of you shall lay your dirty pincers on our Sensei."

"How did you get fangirls?" Sougo furrows and stares at you, can't believe this.

You're laughing, "You kids are really funny! If you keep praising me like this, I'll have to treat you snacks today!"

"Yaaaayyy!!!" They cheered, revealing their hidden motives of leeching free food off you.


It was a quiet day in your infirmary. You've caught up with all your work and no one is visiting, so you almost doze off on your desk when the door clicks open. You're startled awake, finding a familiar face getting into the room and closing back the door behind him.

"Sougo... it's school hour, you're supposed to be in class," you sigh.

Not replying to the actual issue, he says, "Every hour is school hour when you're at school" - to which you nod: that makes sense.

Sougo walks towards the infirmary bed, preparing to take a nap. He's a bright student, and even though he looks like half-assing classes, he still gets good grades. He also behaves quite decent to people, so it gets to the point where you just give up making him obey the rules. Like, whatever I'm tired, just do what you want, brat.

"Hey, hey," you approach him, "guess what."

"If you want to nap with me, make sure to lock the door first," he says, not even opening his eyes.

You ignore that. "Listen. This morning when I arrived here, guess who greeted me good morning with a bright smile that could power an entire village!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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