Part 52: Is this sports anime

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The tension had been high for the past few days at school. All the students were preparing for the cultural festival next week, even the teachers were hyped about it and bragging about their own class's creativity in the staff room.

But I had something else to worry about. This morning, someone visited me at my work place. Apparently he was asking around for directions since he left his house, and even made some students take him to where the infirmary was. Which confused everybody, because that person was our own Sasaki-sensei.

Or someone in the body of Sasaki Haise.

"I found you~!" He dashed and threw his body on me, almost knocking me down.

"Huh? H-Haise?" I was puzzled at first. Why's he so clingy today?

"I'm not that idiot Haise," he rubbed his cheek on mine, hugging me tighter.

"K-KenKen?" I couldn't believe it. "What are you doing here?? What did you do-- oh Haise is going to be so mad when he's back!"

"Then I'm not returning his body forever," Ken buried his face on my chest and wrapped a leg around mine like an octopus.

"Ugh, Ken, it's cute to do this when you're in your own form, but it's... creepy with an adult's body." I tried to let go of him.

"That's because Haise is not cute." He didn't let go of me. "But I am, so it's okay."

"KenKen, what did you do to Haise?" I asked with a strict voice.

"He's just sleeping. He overslept so I just stole his body."

"Oh my god Ken, you can't just steal someone's body! Where is he now??"

"Sleeping at home," Ken answered matter-of-factly. "He's tired and hasn't eaten for weeks so it's easy to get into his body and push him out."

I'm so terrified of this kid right now.

"You have to go home and switch back! What if something happens?" I was panicking.

"Nothing bad will happen," Ken now pouted, but it's supercute in Haise's face. "I don't like it when you shout at me."

Melted a little by his adorableness, I apologized, "I'm just worried. It's not fair to Haise when you do this, especially when he has to do his teaching work."

"He told me last night he didn't have any class today, because of the festival preparation," Ken explained with a innocent look.

"Is he okay?" I remembered what Ken said just now. "Why hasn't he eaten anything?"

"He didn't have time to get more food, but he's okay. Sleeping like that will give him more energy," Ken explained. And then he pouted some more, "You only care about him. I'm lonely too."

This broke my heart a little. The kid never go out of the house and was all on his own. Well, he had Haise, but their relationship was kind of weird.

I stroked his cheek, "You can stay with me today. And when school's over, let's go get some more blood packs for both of you."

Thus began the adventure of KenKen in my work place. I learned that this kid was way more possessive than my own boyfriend. Here's what happened.

A bunch of male students from the sports clubs invaded my infirmary. Apparently they wanted to record their body profile (height, weight, vital signs...) for promotional purposes. And they had to choose today of all days.

KenKen practically hissed at all the swimming club guys who came wearing nothing but their swimming trunks. To be honest, I also felt a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by all these ripped and topless high school students, spraying pheromones everywhere they go like Hansel and Gretel leaving pieces of bread as their trail.

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