Part 36: Text messages

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"Sasaki Haise, a Japanese literature teacher. Handsome, smart, nice to everybody, popular among students and teachers alike. Very sexy. A good kisser.

My boyfriend."


<1 message received>

「 What is with this message? ⁝⁞⁝⁞ʕु•̫͡•ʔु☂⁝⁞⁝⁝ why is this phone keep correcting my words ヽ(;▽;)ノ look I am speaking proper words sentence ^^ (・・;) 」

I was texting my best friend, Mitsu the Emoji Abuser. She finally moved to a place with cellphone reception and we could start texting each other now. Also, bless the autocorrect option on her phone.

"I just want to show off to someone. You're my only close friend!" I replied.

「 Look a caterpillar -->
ᓬᗸᗳ[▓▓]ꍞ 」

"I'm never texting you again."

I phoned her instead.

"I was having fun writing the text messages!" Mitsu protested when she picked up my call.

"I wasn't. Also, that was a dog sleeping with a blanket. Not even remotely close to a caterpillar."

She laughed. "So, are you calling me just to talk about your boyfriend?"

"... Can I?" I pleaded.

"I think I did the same when I first dated Toshi," she mentioned her husband. "So go ahead."

"Yay, you're the best!"

"How long have you been dated, like... two months now?"

"Yeah, sort of. Why?"

"What do you think? Do you love him? Have you guys done it? What is he like? Uke or seme?"

"You sound like a manga artist looking for inspiration..."

"I am," she giggled. "Just kidding. It's the best thing: girls talk!"

"I think he can be both uke and seme, although we haven't actually done anything..."

"Waaah, that kind of person is rare. You're lucky..."

"I am..." I let out a happy sigh.

"Now you're just being cocky," Mitsu pretended to be annoyed. "Do you know everything about him yet? In case he's like a serial killer or something."

"No, there's not a single bad bone on him." Even though he only feeds on human flesh, I added in my mind.

"What is his background like?"

"He used to work at the CCG."

"The ghoul hunters? Badass! It's quite a drastic career change to become a teacher."

"Well he taught at the academy when he's there, so it's not that far off."

The ghoul countermeasures bureau named CCG was disbanded last year. The public was informed that this organization had successfully eliminated ghoul threats. And they were right: we never heard of any ghoul attacks incident anymore.

But Haise told me the real story. The human government proposed a truce with the ghoul society, promising food provision, as long as they didn't attack civilians.

Some ghouls were also recruited to work for the government, getting into certain professions behind the scenes. Of course, there were still ghoul hunters available, just in case. Suzuya Squad was one of them.

Sasaki-sensei [Haise x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now