[Updates / Recap]

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*tiny voice* hi happy new year  ^.^

This is awkward but I've been a coward for running away from this series for such a long time. I should apologise to all the readers especially the ones who have followed this story since the very beginning! So let me rip this bandaid real quick.

As you have probably guessed, real life stuff happened and for many reasons I couldn't continue the story at that time. It's hard to write comedy when you're not in a good state for it. When all was resolved, it's been months already since I last updated and I didn't know how to pick it up again. The longer I waited, the harder it was to come back. And I thought, there wasn't any cliffhangers, just let it be already. By that time I had deleted wattpad from my (storage is low!) phone, while Tokyo Ghoul:re canon story has gone... well... not very well for Sasaki Haise fans (or self-shippers in general)... So surely no one would care about this series anymore?

Many time passed . . .

And then I saw this inspirational tumblr post! About how someone got a notification that a work-in-progress series they followed 3 years ago suddenly was updated again lol. It's somehow quite heartwarming and I was reminded of this abandoned baby of mine. Curious, I downloaded wattpad again and I was quite shook to see that there were so many new readers and the newest comments even dated quite recently! Gotta admit, I reread everything from the beginning including ALL the comments. It's more than 1k but I love every single one. Thank you so much, really, I really love you all.

I also find myself loving wattpad community a lot. I've been to other fanfic forums and they're all so serious even in crackfics, everyone's so formal giving reviews / suggestions about the fics and no one was "horny on main". Which is quite the opposite to my readers, how I love you guys really!! I giggled a lot reading comments on the first few chapters. Everyone was like WTF WHAT IS HAPPENING because this story is just a pile of random shitz thrown together LOL how did I even come up with those stuff I also don't know. And then gradually you can see how the readers all got used to the nonsense and just went along with it (Example: Gin said that Akashi must have seen some shits. Someone commented: no shit he made Jurassic Park!) hahahaha I couldn't stop laughing at these comments, you guys really are great. Thank you so much for all the amazing reactions!

I got quite sad during the end where everyone's asking why there's no update anymore etc. Somehow I also wished there were more chapters, if possible just never-ending! Unfortunately I'm still swamped with irl responsibilities and won't be able to keep updating regularly. What I can do, though, is to give this series the proper ending everyone deserves. I have to admit too that I'm quite rusty now, you know... old age and all... I hope I can still write the remaining storyline consistent to the style and the characters in this series.

So right now I'm offering the last few chapters of the series. (Almost) all at once! Please enjoy this and if you are the faithful old readers from 2015 (oh god this is like time travel), please feel free to reread from the start. I'd recommend to read the comments too as you go along because they really enrich this story a lot. This series is like, only 50% funny without the comments from the readers. You could say that this book is best enjoyed together. Wow I managed to make this heartwarming hahahaa.

For those who can't be arsed to reread from the beginning, or had just reread recently but don't remember most details, let me do a little recap of what's happening.


•  You are a health professional working at a school infirmary, and Sasaki Haise is the literature teacher there.

•  Somehow this school's chairman is Ginpachi (Sakata Gintoki from Gintama). Another character from Gintama we stole for the early love triangle issue is Okita Sougo.

•  The Okita Sougo from Gintama is already a rip-off from Okita Souji of Shinsengumi. So basically the Sougo in our book here is double fake. But he's quite good looking, despite his personality. Here, he is your childhood friend. Lowkey had a crush on you.
Sougo's sister, Mitsu, is your best friend. She draws hentai doujinshi, mostly yaoi.

•  Another childhood friend of yours is Mii, who in the latest chapters, seems to be getting it on with Sougo. The reason Mii is created, is for those readers who fell for Sougo but cannot be with him. As much as I also want Sougo's happiness and want you to be with him too, this is a Sasaki x Reader fic. There is no way you could end up with Sougo, I'm sorry. This is like going to Subway to order chicken McNuggets. So those who hate on Mii for being with Sougo, please consider this: Mii is you. Now this is a book where you can actually date all the main characters. Because I make you dissociate. You're welcome ❤️

•  You have been flirting with Haise for a while now, passing all the fun and adventurous arcs. You have messed around with him sensually but haven't actually gone all the way in making love. I apologize that many of the readers are quite young... (in my defense what are yall doing reading tokyo ghoul???? that thing is depressing af, you guys should enjoy youth more before coming to this shizstorm?? are you okay?)

•  You also have Ken, a ghost kid who appears to be grumpy but is actually clingy to you and fights with Haise for your attention. He's invisible unless you feed him enough blood so he gets some power to materialise himself with a body. He looks like that little shironeki who was nasty to Haise in TG:re chapter 32.

•  There is a character named Shin. He is a shinigami who turned into your guardian spirit because of his gullible personality. Lowkey has a mancrush on Haise.

•  (Beloved readers please comment here if you think there are other important or interesting plotpoints that I have missed, thank you I love you endlessly!)

Now I will attempt to write the closing curtain of this series, hopefully still in the spirit of the original style. I apologize in advance if it doesn't reach your expectations but I will try my best!! Fighting!! \(^o^)/

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