Part 46: The next day

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School looked normal. Nobody was panicking about having a ghoul teacher in the institution. It seemed that Kirei did not / had not spread the rumor about Haise. That was a relief.

On another note, I couldn't look at Haise in the eye and probably wouldn't be able to for the next few days. Or years.

Last night, I... Well we didn't actually make love or anything. But I did... touch him and that's the root of the problem. Haise's facial expressions and the noises he made were too much for me, I could still picture them now and it made me embarrassed every time I thought of it.

The whole thing that happened yesterday made me so happy, though. We finally confirmed our feelings, and the intimate moments we shared sort of unlocked another level of closeness. It wasn't just about lust. Even though we hadn't gone all the way... but you get the gist.

"Sensei... You've been grinning the whole day," Sougo shouted from outside the infirmary. "It's creepy."

"S-shut up! How do you know anyway!?" I shouted back.

"I saw you this morning with that silly face too. You look like your eyes are melting into your chubby cheeks." He walked passed to regrouped with his mates.

I was about to throw him some intelligent insult - since I shouldn't really swear in school - when several students came to see me.

"Noya-san! Chiyo-chan!" I greeted them. It's our Nishinoya Yuu again! And Sakura Chiyo also brought a very tall guy with her.

"Are you guys okay?" I tried to figure out their conditions so I knew which one should be prioritized for treatment.

"Ah yes, Onee-san, let the senpai be treated first. I only come to borrow some sewing kit. I ripped my pants a little when playing volleyball." It seemed that Nishinoya went to play without changing his normal uniform and accident happened. He's wearing sports trousers now.

"Oh, actually we're not injured either," said Chiyo. "Nozaki-kun only wants to see the infirmary for manga references." She pointed at the tall student.

Oh, so this is Nozaki-kun, the shoujo mangaka boy who Chiyo likes! They make a really cute pair since she smol and he tol.

[A/N: small and tall, haha i love these cute words]

"Nice to meet you, Sensei. My name is Nozaki Umetarou." The stoic-looking guy bowed a little.

"It's a pleasure, Nozaki-kun. You can observe anything you like in here, hope it helps!" I welcomed him. When he didn't look, I made sure to wink at Chiyo and whispered to her, "You two are cute together."

As Chiyo blushed, I turned to Nishinoya. "Noya-san, if you want, just leave the pants here and I'll fix them!"

"Ehh really?? But, Onee-san, that would be a hassle for you!"

"It's okay, I don't mind!" I laughed. "I can imagine how much those pants suffered when you did the Rolling Thunder receives!"

"A-ahahaa~" Nishinoya was embarrassed by the mention of his special moves.

"Sensei, you look extra happy today," Chiyo commented. "Don't you think, Nishinoya-kun?"

"Oh? I think Onee-san always looks this lively!" he replied.

"That's because Noya-san are so wild and lively so I get infected too whenever I see him, haha! Besides, I'm a fan of Noya-san, yeeei~~!" I said happily, lifting my hands to high five him.

"Yeeei~~!" He clapped his hands to mine.

"I also have fans," Nozaki suddenly joined the conversation, surprising us with his monotonous voice. "In fact, Sakura here is my fan, aren't you, Sakura? Yeeei." Despite his expressionless face, he also lifted his hands for a high five.

He doesn't want to lose in popularity to Noya-san! This guy looks so big and mature but he's actually pretty childish...

"Nozaki-kun... I can't reach your hands..." Poor Chiyo was on her best tippy-toes but was still miles away from Nozaki's arms.

Today I realized that Smol and Tol are adorable as couples! I need to inform Mitsu immediately, so she can apply this pairing type in her doujins.

The bell rang, signalling the end of recess.

"Well, see you, Sensei. Whatever it is that makes you happy, I'm glad to see you this smiley!" Chiyo waved me goodbye. Nozaki and Nishinoya thanked me and left too.

I grinned again when I was all on my own. Last time, we said "I love Yuu" as in Nishinoya Yuu. But this time it's for real. Not even just a "I love you" but "I really love you". Hihihi.

I am really happy, ain't I... (*'艸'*)

I spent the next half an hour sewing the ripped pants, still wearing a silly smile on my face.

Tap. Tap.

Someone knocked on the window. "I'm coming in," my so-called guardian spirit climbed into the room.

"Hi, Shin!" I greeted him merrily.

He stared at me, "Too happy to mess up my name today?"

"I just want to be nice to you, since... I was kinda mean before." After all, Shin helped with my love life development, in a way.

He curled his eyebrows, not believing a word I said.

"Also I run out of popular names beginning with Shin-," I admitted.

"I noticed you used Shintarou twice," he nodded.

"That one last night was on purpose, though. Since we're talking about Akashi... Shintarou sounds like a name his best friend would have."

"......... Anyway..." He ignored my nonsense. "What are you doing: sewing pants?? Aren't you supposed to take care of health issues only?"

"Oh, hahaha. You know. Things happen. You cannot explain this." I scratched the back of my head.

"Anyway...!" He tried to drive the conversation towards a more sensible road. "I fixed something for you."

"Eh? What is it?"

"The thing with Kirei, if you still remember her. Since you look so gleeful today, whatever reasons behind it..." Shin rolled his eyes. "I did something and she won't be a threat to you guys anymore."

"Really!? Shin, what did you do? Magic?? How can we thank you??"

"I just saw an option in your set of fates* where she'd stop pestering you. So, as a good guardian spirit, I did my job."

[* where there are more than one options to your near future and your guardian spirit can manipulate them]

"Shin you is good people! If Haise's here, I'd even ask him to kiss you! How did you do it though?"

"I killed her."

"What the actual duck, Shinnn???"

"I'm only joking!" He cackled. "I created a situation where she'd fall for someone else."

"That sounds awfully complicated. And you managed to do it in a day?"

"It's Kirei we're talking about." Shin reminded me of how shallow the woman was. "Yesterday I made her almost trip into the school pond - when another man was nearby. Instinctively, he saved her. I manipulated the wind and some tree leaves to fly around aesthetically. I even threw in some shoujo bubbles as background. She fell in love immediately."

"Classic Kirei," I laughed. "Who's the man who helped her? Are they now a couple?"

"Er... I don't know if he's interested in her or not. It's that sweet-tooth teacher with silver permed hair."

"Oh my glob it's Ginpachi."

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