Part 21: Not a date

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I left my house in a mess before the school trip. I didn't have time to tidy it up, so I made a note to not invite Haise into my place tonight.

When I got into his car, Haise greeted me with a smile and a shirt.

"Sorry, but you need to wear this," he offered a black button-up shirt.

"Eh?" I didn't understand the context.

"Well... We're going to a place full of ghouls, and we need to cover your smell," he explained. "This shirt is mine and... I've worn it the whole day, so it'll smell of me."

Haise looked embarrassed. But my face was redder.

Wearing the shirt he'd been wearing? Is this like a new ecchi play?

"O-okay," I said, preparing to put on the shirt like a cardigan over my clothes.

"Wait, don't!" Haise stopped me. "It'll be pointless if you wear it on top of your clothes."

Ai ai I have to let it touch my bare skin? (*_*)

Haise lowered his head, looking away, preparing to apologize. I wouldn't let him.

"Don't worry, I'll quickly change into this!" I permitted myself to go back to my place and change.

When I got back into my room, I was very tempted to 'do a Tsukiyama' to Haise's shirt - press the fabric against my face and smell it like a maniac.

But I still wanted to be a respective member of society, so I only smelled it a little - like a lady smelling a flower.

Très bien!

I got undressed and prepared to wear the shirt.

Why does my heart pump faster? It's just a shirt! Silly.

I slipped my arms into the sleeves. The material felt soft and nice. I felt the fabric on my chest. Just a few hours ago, Haise was wearing this... My chest drummed faster.

I am beyond help...

The male shirt was a bit big for me; it covered half my thighs and my buttocks. So I decided to just wear a pair of leggings with it. I also wore a belt on my waist, so it'd be like a shirt-dress.

Maybe I should ask my ghoul-friend to cuddle me lots, just to make sure I'd smell more like him. Teehee.

I went back to Haise's car, still feeling a bit shy.

"You look nice," he said when he saw me.

I blushed, "Maybe I will steal this shirt if it's nice on me."

Haise beamed, "That will cost a kiss."

I looked at him.

"...on the cheek," he added nervously, then turned away.

No, please charge me more!


We got off at a place I'd never been before. Alone with someone I just met like two weeks ago.

He's also a ghoul. His food is human flesh. I am a human. Maybe I should feel more afraid...

But I knew that Haise eating me was out of the question. He had many chances during the school trip if he really wanted to.

Besides, this is not a date. Terrible things only happen to humans who are going to a date with ghouls. This is common sense. We're not going to a bookstore either. All good.

We strolled through a dimmed alley and arrived at a street full of shops. There were other people walking, going into stores, minding their own business.

"They're all ghouls," Haise whispered to me.

They looked like normal humans...

"Are you scared?" the half-ghoul asked me.

"No, I think you could take them down," I grinned.

Well, I was a little tense. Imagine if you're a piece of eucalyptus leaf walking into a group of koalas. The only person protecting you is half-leaf half-koala. He's like a koala made of yummy leaves. I bet he'd get eaten first. Omg.

"Haise... Will you be okay?" I got more worried of him now.

"Hm? Why?"

"I have a feeling that you taste better than me. What if they attack you?"

"Haha, don't worry. Even though I look like this, I am quite strong, you know," Haise said confidently. Somehow it made my heart skipped a beat. He sounded so dependable.

We walked into a store that sold coffee beans, coffee powder, and all kinds of coffee products. Haise led the way to the shopkeeper, who was standing behind the counter.

"Sasaki-san," the shopkeeper greeted Haise. He's a tall, black-haired man in a tuxedo suit.

"Hi, Sebastian," Haise waved at him. "I told you to call me Haise."

"I have to remain professional to the customer," Sebastian winked. "You're here with a lady today."

Haise introduced us.

"It's unusual to see you at the shop," Haise asked him, "Is Ciel here?"

"No, Master Ciel just wanted me to inspect the store, see if everything is under control."

"Oh, send my 'hi' to him."

"I will," replied the hot shopkeeper. "Are you here for the usual?"

"Yes, please," Haise nodded meaningfully.

Sebastian went to the back of the store and came back with several packs of something that looked like frozen meat. He put them inside a paper bag and gave it to Haise.

Haise paid some money and said thanks.

Sebastian said you're welcome.

"Wait, that's it?" I retorted to this too-
ordinary-exchanges. "It's just like buying some food from a grocery store?"

"Yes, but the shopkeeper is a very handsome demon," Haise said with a very happy voice, gesturing his hand to present Sebastian.

"Anticlimax..." I wailed quietly.

"Is she disappointed?" The very handsome demon asked Haise, "Do I need to do some magic tricks to impress her?"

"I think she expected me to do gory things..." replied the very handsome (half) ghoul.

Sebastian winced and Haise looked at him sympathetically as though saying 'I know, how inappropriate'.

That would be the day when I was considered immoral by a top rank ghoul and a legit demon.

Sasaki-sensei [Haise x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now