Part 19: Lemon-galaxy

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Haise was still laughing.

"Please stop," I begged.

"You always manage to say the most unexpected things!" he kept giggling, "I love you!"

"What?" Did my ears catch that right? "What did you say?"

"Un... unexpected things?" Haise realized he had said something awkward.

"No, the one after that."

"I... love... yuu-- Nishinoya Yuu?"

At this point, I knew what Haise said was only a figure of speech instead of real love confession. Once you're an adult, you knew that the L word meant something more complex than the feeling of "like" or "crush", even "lust".

Still, it made me happy to hear this phrase coming from someone I adored. And I wouldn't want to make him feel uncomfortable for accidentally saying it. So I made a light joke to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Student-teacher relationship is forbidden! You said so yourself!" I remarked.

Haise didn't argue with me. Instead, he smiled and stared at me. "You're very intuitive and considerate," he said with a soft voice.

I stared back into his dark grey eyes. Haise realized what I was doing; he himself was pretty smart too. And I had always been a sucker for smart people. Especially when they're also hot.

For a second or two, we kept looking into each other's eyes. I was the type who would be too shy to keep eye contact, so I averted my eyes from his... and arrived at his lips.

Haise could be aware that I was, unintentionally, trapped in gazing at his lips. I felt him moving closer to me, his hand reached my shoulder and moved towards my neck...

"Ahn," I made a little noise when his fingers touched my bare neck.

"Ano..." someone's voice broke our moment, "I don't want to be a cockblock, but..." It was Gin-sensei's voice, "Everyone is watching you two right now."

And we realized that although we're standing in a corner, we're still inside the dining room. And yes. Everybody-was-watching-us.

With my whole body burning like roast chilli, and my mind still in lemon-galaxy, I didn't know what excuse to make. So I whispered my plan to Haise, "I'll pretend to run away, you chase me, so we'll be out of here safely."

"Sensei, we could hear everything you just said," My little brat Sougo just had to make it worse.

"Your whisper was too loud," Gin added.

I ran away from the room, dragging Haise with me.

"In the end you went with that plan anyway??" they shouted.

I was sprinting until we get to the front doors of our rooms. I stopped, gasping for air; I wasn't particularly athletic and it was kinda hard running in yukata.

Haise didn't seem tired at all. But he was also gasping for air because he couldn't stop laughing. "You... don't have to- run that fast..." he stopped mid sentence to laugh and breathe. "No one was chasing us."

Great, me. You acted like a clown again, and now the guy will giggle until forever, meaning you've ruined any other chance for a romantic moment like before.

"I... I'll just go to bed," I gave up on myself and turned to unlock the door to my room.

"Wait," Haise asked. "You haven't had your dinner."

"Oh it's okay, I have plenty of snacks in my room."

Haise felt guilty, "But you're about to have proper dinner before and... because of me..."

We were reminded of what just happened. I looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"No, don't worry, I didn't intend to have dinner there anyway. I just went there to check if..." To be honest, I didn't feel like eating alone surrounded by strangers. I just wanted to rescue Haise from the food.


"... if you needed help... or something."

Haise raised his eyebrows, "You're worried about me?"

Gin-sensei's words echoed in my mind-- 'he's an adult; he can take care of himself'. It made me think that Haise might get offended if I treated him like a helpless baby.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized immediately. The last thing I wanted was for this person to hate me.

"No, please don't be," he replied, to my relief. "That is very sweet, actually."

Haise smiled again, "Thank you. You're wonderful."

Who needs food when the butterflies in your stomach are cooking dreams and happiness.

When I was back in my room, I could only think of the time we, perhaps-maybe-probably, almost kissed. He was about to touch my neck, maybe he'd cup my head and lift my chin, bring my lips close to his?

I repeated that scene in my head, thinking of alternatives and possible events that would ensue from that point.

I scared myself and didn't want to put hopes too high. It could only be a caught-in-the-moment situation. I shouldn't read too much into it.

But when his fingers touched me... It was like a little electric shock, I could still feel the numbness I felt when it happened...


Knock knock

I was woken up from my daydreaming. I went to answer the door.

If that is Sougo, I swear my slippers will be up in his mouth before he can say Sensei.

It wasn't.


Yes. Haise in the flesh. You've been imagining about him until just a second ago and now he's probably here to stop you violate him even more. You're screwed ~(ノ^∇^)

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