Part 43: Arcs

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There was a reason I wanted to stay until Shin arrived. Even though sometimes I appeared to be a bit ditzy, I was originally a very clever person. It's awkward that I said it myself but who knew me better than me?

So what Shin mentioned earlier made me realize something. He said that he's forbidden to tell me about certain stuff, and he could tell someone else instead. But---what if I "accidentally" overheard their conversation? I was sure it's not against the rule.

My plan was to stay until Shin came, then let them have their secret talk while I waited in Haise's car - since he's going to drive me home.

But just before I went, I'd leave my tablet there with a video call on, so I could listen to their conversation from my phone. This was because both Shin and Haise would find out right away if I eavesdropped with a conventional way.

Bless modern technology!

So long story short:
-    Shin knocked on Haise's door
-   My boyfriend went to let him in
-    Meanwhile I set up my gadget and placed it under the couch in the living room (most likely where they'd have the conversation)
-    I asked Haise not to do it too rough because Shin looked like a softie
-    They both looked at me like they're going to strangle me (Shin denied to be identified as an uke but we all knew the truth)
-    I cackled and went to wait in the car

"So uh... Nice place you've got here."

I heard Shin's voice in my headset - not very clearly but I could still make out the words. Excellent.

"Thanks. Uh, do you want some drinks?" Haise offered.

"Er, no thanks, I should hurry..."


Gahh, I can feel the awkwardness all the way from here. These two nerds...!

"So... The reason I suddenly appear to you guys," Shin started the main topic. "Since [my name] met you, her lifeline has become... unpredictable."

He began explaining:

"Humans generally have a set of "fates" - possibilities of their futures depending on their actions. Guardian spirits can see a very short-term future occurrences, as in what might happen several seconds in the future.

"For example, you could have a choice of fates where (1) you ran and get hit by a car, (2) someone accidentally pushed you to the car, or (3) you stopped running so the car missed you.

"Your guardian spirit envisions these choices seconds before it happens and acts accordingly. They can manipulate the situation; for instance, making the wind blows stronger so you sneezed and stop running, hence avoids the accident.

"Except when it's decided from above that you have to experience certain incidents. Then you'll only have one option on the fate line and even the guardian spirit cannot do anything about it.

"Shinigamis don't have this short-term future predicition ability; instead, we can see the time someone's death comes and the details of what happens.

"When I became both, I somehow could envision [my name]'s lifeline. This includes the major happenings in her life, such as finding soulmate, having children, family deaths and her own's.

"But ever since she met you... It's all messed up. I couldn't see her future events anymore, and the short-term vision became very much shorter - which is why I panic and decide to show up. Not to mention she encountered numerous near death situations, these wouldn't have happened otherwise..."

Both of them didn't say anything for a while.

"Are you saying that it's dangerous for her to keep being with me?" Haise broke the silence.

Oh no, I know where this is going. And this aint gonna happen, I thought. Still listening to the boys' conversation, I got out of Haise's car and walked to where they were.

"Yes." Shin replied boldly. "Her soulmate, the one I envisioned before, is not you-"

What the hell are you blabbering about, Shinonome-kunnnnn!?

I increased my pace. I couldn't wait to barge into them and stop the nonsense.

"I am sorry to say," Shin continued, "that you are a disturbance in her lifeline."

"Disturbance..." Haise's voice was shaky.

"She was supposed to meet and be reunited with the fated person, but your presence at that time had changed this set. Eversince then, I haven't been able to see or predict anything regarding her future."

"Reunited? My presence?" Haise realized something. "Does this mean that... she's supposed to be---"

"Yes. The gods have never forsaken him: her real soulmate is Akashi Sei."

"Shintarou," I finally reached their place and kicked the door open. "You're mistaken."

Both Shin and Haise were surprised to see my dramatic entrance.

"Why-how--- did you hear everything?" My guardian spirit asked.

"Yes. And what you're saying is plain stupid. Not only because I'm a woman of science, but also-" I paused to catch a breath after running from the car park. "Also, we've passed the Akashi Arc chapters ago."

"The one with the dinosaurs, right?" Haise nodded. "That was quite an important arc."

"Yeah that's when I realized I had moved on and then you asked me out," I eyed Haise, "cause you're jealous." I grinned.

Haise didn't even deny it. "He's touching you and all."

"Don't make it sound like I was groped or something!" I laughed.

"What the--? Are you guys serious??" Shin gave us a really puzzled look, like the one saying 'who the hell classifies their life events as "arcs"?'

"Hm," Haise was back to his serious stance, "I never want to put her life in danger, and if she's much happier if she's with Aka-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," I warned the love of my life.

Haise stared at me for a moment, reading my eyes, and then he smiled.

He turned to Shin, "If she's alright with it, I'm confident I can protect her, so you don't have to worry."

The poor shinigami was still looking at us with blank expression. Finally he blinked and let out a deep sigh.

"It looks like I was terrified for nothing. If you guys are this strong then I guess I'll leave everything to your hands, Mr. Boyfriend," Shin smiled.

"Eehh did you just call Haise your boyfriend?" I exclaimed. "You finally revealed your true self. You just want me out of the picture, that's why you came up with the whole 'her-soulmate-is-not-you' thing. You want my Haise to yourself!"

"Ack--- no, it was real, I tried to help, I was--- I hate you, I hate you so much!" Shin ran to a window, opened it and jumped out.

"Does he hate doors or something?" Haise commented.

"I know right, why always windows?" I chuckled.

"You're very brave, you know," Haise turned to me and ran his fingers through my hair. "Thank you for not giving up on me."

"But you almost gave me up!" I told him off. "You thought someone else could make me happier!"

"If it's someone as perfect as the Akashi heir... can you blame me?" Haise mumbled while averting his eyes.

I stared at him with puffed cheeks and angry expression.

"Alright, I apologize," Haise placed his forehead on mine. "I thought I was being selfless but I didn't consider what you really wanted."

"Apology accepted," I planted him a sneaky kiss. "I'd rather have an unpredictable life if the stable one doesn't involve you."

Haise kissed me again before calling my name, saying very softly,

"I really love you."

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