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"And I sneaked these spare robes out of the laundry," Hermione said, holding up a small sack once the four of them were reunited. "You'll need bigger sizes once you're Greengrass, Crabbe and Goyle."

The four of them stared into the cauldron. Close up, the potion looked like thick, dark mud, bubbling sluggishly. 

"I'm sure I've done everything right," said Hermione, nervously rereading the splotched page of Moste Potente Potions. "It looks like the book says it should, once we've drunk it, we'll have exactly an hour before we change back into ourselves." 

"Now what?" Ron whispered. 

"We separate it into four glasses and add the hairs." Hermione ladled large dollops of the potion into each of the glasses. Then, her hand trembling, she shook Millicent Bulstrode's hair out of its bottle into the first glass.

The potion hissed loudly like a boiling kettle and frothed madly. A second later, it had turned a sick sort of yellow. 

"Urgh, essence of Millicent Bulstrode," said Ron, eyeing it with loathing. "Bet it tastes disgusting." 

"Add yours, then," said Hermione. 

Mia dropped Daphne Greengrass' hair into the class next to Hermione's, Harry dropped Goyle's hair into the middle glass and Ron put Crabbe's into the last one. All three glasses hissed and frothed. Greengrass' turned a vivd green, Goyle's turned the khaki colour of a booger, Crabbe's a dark, murky brown.

The four of them grabbed their glasses.

"Cheers," Mia said clinking her glass with the others before she pinched her nose and drank the potion down in two large gulps. 

It tasted like overcooked cabbage. Immediately, her insides started writhing as though he'd just swallowed live snakes.

"I think I'm going to be sick," she said, dropping her glass on the floor and running to the bathroom. 

"Me too," she heard Hermione say as she also dropped her glass and ran into the bathroom next to her. 

Mia doubled up, wondering whether she was going to be sick, then a burning sensation spread rapidly from her stomach to the very ends of her fingers and toes. Next, bringing her gasping to all fours, came a horrible melting feeling, as the skin all over her body bubbled like hot wax, and before her eyes, her hands began to grow, the fingers thickened, the nails shrunk back into her skin and her hands were changing shade. Her shoulders stretched painfully and a prickling on her forehead told her that hair was creeping down toward her eyebrows. She looked down at her hair and looked horrified when her once ginger hair was gone and was a bright blonde instead. 

She changed into the Slytherin robes Hermione had given her and folded her Gryffindor ones up and left them on the toilet. Mia opened the bathroom stall door and her eyes went wide. Instead of seeing her twin brother, she was staring at Goyle.

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