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"I heard about your dream."

Mia dropped her jumper in shock and turned around and saw Remus standing against the wall as the ginger girl sighed and carried on packing her suitcase.

"Come to stare?" Mia snapped. She sighed and put down the jumper. "Sorry."

"I know," he said as Mia sat on the bed. 

"I just," Mia sighed, scrunching her face into one that James did constantly. "I just don't think Mum and Dad would like what's happened to me."

"I have to disagree with you there," Remus said as Mia looked at him. "You're more like them than you think, and one day you'll see it. You won't right now." Remus chuckled. "I heard that you're becoming a Professor." Mia looked at him as Remus nodded. "Oh yeah, I know."

"Are you disappointed?"

"Disappointed?" Remus asked as Mia nodded. "Mia, I'm so incredibly proud of you!" 

"You are?" she asked as Remus chuckled and nodded.

"Yes!" he said, "granted, the situation behind it is not ideal and you could be in serious trouble, but you're stepping up. You're fighting for what's right, and what you believe in. If you tell me Lily and James are not like that, then we need to have a chat." Mia chuckled as she fiddled with her fingers. 

"I think I'm falling for someone I shouldn't," she blurted out. 

Remus looked at her, got his wand out and pointed it at the door, saying, "Muffliato," before turning back to Mia.

"In what way?" he asked. 

"In a way, if the others found out they would never speak to me again," she said. 

"You mean someone like Draco Malfoy?" he asked. Mia looked up, her face paling as Remus chuckled. "Professor Snape saw you both leave the Astronomy tower one night," Mia said nothing and looked down at her hands. "I don't agree with the Malfoy family and most of their views, but if he makes you happy, or you find yourself falling or him, just know you will always have me."

"You're, you're not mad?" she asked, confused as Remus chuckled.

"Of course not," he said. "Mia, love is more powerful than magic. It's something that keeps us when it gets us, and if you have chosen Draco, then it is what it is."

"Is that the same with you and Tonks?" Mia asked and Remus looked at her in shock.

"I, er, what?"

"I'm not stupid," Mia said chuckling, "I've seen the way you look at her." Remus chuckled.

"That's a conversation for another day," he said, standing up, "for now, you need to pack." 

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