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Mia dreamed she was back in the DA room. Draco was there, accusing her of luring him there under false pretences; he said he had promised her a hundred and fifty Chocolate Frog Cards if she showed up. Mia protested. Then he turned into Harry, who said, 'You're lying to us, Mia. Why would you lie to us?' And Mia was protesting that she was not lying because Umbridge had her cats, and anyway the whole thing was ridiculous, she'd only come to the DA room to put up some Christmas baubles shaped like Dobby's head.

The dream changed.

She was standing barefoot in her pyjamas in a dark room that had cold water on the floor. It was cold, yet she could see objects around her shimmering in strange, vibrant colours. She looked around and at first glance the corridor was empty, but she saw a man sitting on the floor ahead, his chin drooping onto his chest, his outline gleaming in the dark as he was sitting in front of a door at the end of the corridor. Mia walked towards him, her feet splashing on the floor. 

"Hello?" Mia yelled. 

The man stirred, but there was movement next to her. A small red energy ball appeared at her fingertips and she let out a scream when a thick, long snake was slithering around near her. 

"Holy shit what the fuck?" Mia whispered, her heart beating fast. 

The ginger girl turned around but heard a loud, yell come from behind her. She turned around and yelled in horror when she saw the snake lunging for the man. She ran towards them, water splashing around and as she got closer, she felt sick to her stomach. 

"MR. WEASLEY!" she screamed in horror. She tried to kick the snake away, but it was as if the snake knew she was there and moved to the other side, not before launching at Mia's face. The ginger girl blocked it with her arm and let out an ear-splitting scream as the snake's fangs made contact with her pale skin. Blood splattered all over Mia, covering her face, neck and arms as she screamed.

And then she opened her eyes.

She was in the Astronomy Tower, blood and sweat dripping down her as she looked around, gasping for air as if she was underwater. The ginger girl ran down the spiral staircase of the Astronomy Tower, down the moonlit corridor and didn't stop until she got to Dumbledore's office. 

"Fizzing Whizzbee,'" Mia yelled, unaware of what she was saying. 

The gargoyle sprang to life and leapt aside; the wall behind it split in two to reveal a stone staircase that was moving continually upwards like a spiral escalator. The girl them stepped on to the moving stairs. The wall closed behind them with a thud and they were moving upwards in tight circles until they reached the highly polished oak door with the brass knocker shaped like a griffin. 

Though it was now well past midnight voices were coming from inside the room, a positive babble of them. It sounded as though Dumbledore was entertaining at least a dozen people.

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