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"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak," Hermione said as the group of four walked down to Hagrid's hut. "It's just too horrible."

"It just got worse," Ron said. Mia looked up and clenched her jaw. 

"What did I say?" came the voice of Draco Malfoy. "Father said I can keep the hippogriff's head. I'll donate it to the Gryffindors' room. This is going to be rich."

"Look who's here," Crabbe said, seeing Mia storm towards them.

"Ah, come to see the show?" Draco asked amused as Mia clenched her jaw. Her eyes glowed red as two energy balls appeared in her hands.

'This is all your fault!" Mia snapped as she tilted her head and Draco rose a few feet in the air. Crabbe and Goyle went to attack her, but she held out her hands and like Draco, they rose in the air. 

"Mia, no!" Hermione called, "he's not worth it." Mia slowly put down the three and turned around. She heard them all snickering behind her, so she clenched her fist and. . . .


She had punched Draco hard across the face with all the strength she could muster, hearing a loud crack in the process as Draco staggered. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Crabbe, and Goyle stood flabbergasted as Mia raised her fist again.

"Mia!" Hermione said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back. 

"Let's go," Draco said to the others and the three of them hurried off as Mia watched them go with a smirk. 

"Fuck me that felt good!" she laughed. 

"Not good, brilliant," Ron laughed as Mia beamed.

"Come on," she said. The sun was already sinking behind the Forbidden Forest, gilding the top branches of the trees. They reached Hagrid's cabin and knocked. He was a minute in answering, and when he did, he looked down at the trio, pale-faced and trembling.

"Yeh shouldn've come!" Hagrid whispered, but he stood back, and they stepped inside. "Wan' some tea?" he said. His great hands were shaking as he reached for the kettle.

"Where's Buckbeak, Hagrid?" said Hermione hesitantly.

"I, I took him outside," said Hagrid, spilling milk all over the table as he filled up the jug. "He's tethered in me pumpkin patch. Thought he oughta see the trees an', an' smell fresh air before. . . ."

Hagrid's hand trembled so violently that the milk jug slipped from his grasp and shattered all over the floor.

"I'll do it, Hagrid," said Hermione quickly, hurrying over and starting to clean up the mess.

"There's another one in the cupboard," Hagrid said, sitting down and wiping his forehead on his sleeve. Mia glanced at Harry and Ron, who looked back hopelessly.

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