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"All that moral fibre eh?"

Mia let out a laugh as Fred appeared at her side as she tied her wet hair into a braid. 

"Blimey even when you go wrong it turns out right," Ron laughed as Mia shrugged.

"It's a gift," she laughed.

"Well done moral fibre," George added as Mia laughed.

"Thanks," she said. As they got out of the boats, Mia was surprised to see Mr. Crouch waiting for her. 

"Congratulations Potter, fine achievement," he said as Mia smiled. 

"Thank you," she said.

"Well done girl," he said as the others walked ahead, leaving the two to talk. "I'm sorry we haven't spoken, after all your story is one I've heard many times. Quite remarkable. Tragic of course, to lose one's family. Never whole again are we?"

"Life goes on," Mia said as Mr. Crouch nodded.

"And here we stand," he said as Mia nodded. "I'm sure your parents would be very proud today Potter." Mia smiled just as Moody approached them. 

"Bartemius!" he barked, making Mia and Mr. Crouch jump, "not trying to lure Potter into one of the ministry's summer internships are we? Last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out!" Mr. Crouch looked at Moody and paled as Mia looked up at him confused. He started at Moody before walking away. "And they say I'm mad!" Moody yelled after Mr. Crouch who looked like he'd seen a ghost. 

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"So I remember, I remember when I first met you all," Hagrid said happily as the five of them walked through the woods, back up to the castle. Mia was walking a bit away from them. "Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever set eyes on. Always reminded me of myself a little. And here we all are, four years later!"

"We're still a bunch of misfits," Ron laughed as Mia smiled lightly. 

"Maybe," Hagrid admitted, "but we've all got each other, and Mia of course. Soon to be! The youngest! Tri-Wizard champion there's ever been! Hooray!" Mia chuckled as she carried on walking as she heard the other singing the Hogwarts song. 

As Mia walked, her eyes glowed red as she tripped over something. She let out a squeal as she looked down and her eyes went wide. She put her hand over her mouth as she saw the lifeless body of Mr. Crouch.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," she whispered as she looked around desperately. 

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Mia had walked right past the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledores office without noticing. She blinked, looked around, realised what she had done, and retraced her steps, stopping in front of it. Then she remembered that he didn't know the password.

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