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"Ugh, I hate him!" Mia groaned in frustration as she slammed herself into an armchair in the common room. 

"Who do we hate?" Harry asked confused. 

"Malfoy!" Mia snapped. "The stupid git got me kicked out of the library! All I wanted was to just read my book, but he had to go and make a fucking scene and somehow it was my fault!" 

Just then, Neville toppled into the common room. How he had managed to climb through the portrait hole was anyone's guess, because his legs had been stuck together with what they recognised at once as the Leg-Locker Curse. He must have had to bunny-hop all the way up to Gryffindor Tower. 

Everyone fell about laughing except Hermione, who leapt up and performed the counter-curse. Neville's legs sprang apart and he got to his feet, trembling. 

"What happened?" Hermione asked him, leading him over to sit with Mia, Harry and Ron.

"Malfoy," said Neville shakily. "I met him outside the library. He said he'd been looking for someone to practise that on."

"Bastard!" Mia said, even more annoyed.

"Go to Professor McGonagall!" Hermione urged Neville. "Report him!" Neville shook his head. 

"I don't want more trouble," he mumbled. 

"You've got to stand up to him, Neville!" said Ron. "He's used to walking all over people, but that's no reason to he down in front of him and make it easier."

"There's no need to tell me I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor, Malfoy's already done that," Neville choked. 

Mia felt in the pocket of her robes and pulled out a Chocolate Frog, the very last one from the box Hermione had given her for Christmas. She gave it to Neville, who looked as though he might cry. 

"You're worth twelve of the bleached blond asshole," Mia said. "The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor, didn't it? And where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin." 

Neville's lips twitched in a weak smile as he unwrapped the Frog. 

"Thanks, Mia. D'you want the card, you collect them, don't you?" 

As Neville walked away, Mia looked at the Famous Wizard card. 

"Dumbledore again," she said, "he was the first one I ever. . . ." she gasped. 

She stared at the back of the card. Then she looked up at Harry, Ron and Hermione. 

"I've found him!" she whispered. "I've found Flamel! I told you I'd read the name somewhere before, I read it on the train coming here, listen to this: "Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel"!" 

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